Bryten shook his head and left her office to head back to his.

“Bryten!” someone called.

He turned around and saw his brother running towards him. He stopped and waited on him to catch up.

“Are you going to lunch?” he asked.

“Yeah, I was just going to grab some things from my office. Why?”

“Let me go with you. I need some advice about one of my patients.”

“Sure.” Bryten agreed as he grabbed what he needed and then left. Jacob climbed into Bryten's truck and waited until they pulled off before he started to talk.

“Sammy is really upset about Tinsley. Eva called me and asked me if I could speak with her, so I went to her room and was surprised at how distraught she was.”

“I left a note in her file for you to see tonight, but I see now I should have come to you. Sammy aparently walked in on Tinsley getting dressed this morning. Tinsley had seveer brusing on her legs and Sammy asked her how it happened. She wouldn't tell Sammy, so Sammy brought her to me. I am sure she feels like she betrayed Tinsely, but it was the missing piece to Tinsley we have been trying to find.” Bryten said.

Jacob nodded. “Was that the rape case?”

“Sadly yes. It makes sense though. The mother said Tinsley was withdrawn. She said she wouldn't eat or speak anymore and I never once thought to check for sexual abuse.” Bryten said shaking his head.

“Well, no other doctor found anything wrong with her, so you assume someone else would have caught it too.”

“What doesn't make sense to me, is if Tinsley was raped a little over a week ago, why she was showing symptoms of sexual abouse before then.”

Jacob turned to look at Bryten. “Did Dr. Dwendle check for signs of earlier abuse?”

Bryten nodded. “He said there was no scaring.”

Jacob nodded. “Maybe Tinsley was just aware of the situation more.”

“Or her step-father had tried before and didn't suceed.”

Jacob shook his head. “Did they already analyze the swabs?”

Bryen nodded. “but she won't have to testify against him. The police are going to use the video from my office. They have already been by and a DNA warrant is in progress as we speak.”

“That's great she won't have to testify; we will just have to pray her step-father will admit to it and make it easier on her.”

Bryten nodded. “I have prayed for that several times, but God has his hand on Tinsley. He led her here and everyone loves her already.”

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