"Wait here." He said to her and walked off down the hall. Talia walked to a beautiful set of reading chairs near a fireplace and waited for him to return. She closed her eyes and concentrated, listening for voices.

".....teaching at the studio today. She said she'd be back late afternoon." A beat of silence and the same raspy female voice said. "He shouldn't be long according to the Lady, you are welcome to wait." Talia could hear his feet approaching her. He sat down next to her with two steaming cups of tea and handed one to her.

"Rhysand should be back soon. Feyre is teaching in the city today." Talia looked at him with a question. He took a sip of his drink. "Painting." She nodded and looked straight ahead again. The paintings she had passed in the entryway must be the high lady's.

Cassian leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. He looked at her after a moment. "Are you sure you're alright?" she knew he was referring to what had happened that morning. She wished they would stop asking, but she smiled softly.

"Yes. I healed. I'm fine." He stared ahead at the fireplace, no fire inside. The house was plenty warm today from the sun. They sat in silence for a few moments. "Are you okay, Cassian?" she asked tentatively. She didn't want to pry, and part of her was afraid of his answer. He was old, as were the other two, they had seen and endured many things, but this strain, this sadness wasn't something she could heal. He didn't turn to face her this time.

"I have seen many things, but this...." he trailed off, looking down at the cup he held between both hands. "He would hate being seen like this." She knew he wasn't just referring to Azriel's weakened state, or lying in bed like a statue. He continued looking down and she stayed silent, letting him go on. "He would hate that we have spent all this time and effort...." He trailed off again, leaning back in to the chair and turning away from her. "He would hate that we have spent all this time for it to end here." He took a sip, still facing away. "I'm ready for this to be over, one way or the other." Cassian hated how his voice sounded spitting out the words he had only said to himself up to this point. He didn't hate the healer, and after seeing her react this morning, any distrust he had for her had nearly dissolved. He knew she was trying her best, that she truly desired to help. But it was hard to justify the danger they had put themselves in to bring her here if she were unable to bring Azriel back.

Talia nodded, even though she knew he couldn't see her. "He would be glad to know how much you all care for him." She didn't want to say anything else. Cassian had softened toward her in the recent days, but now, as she grew closer to failure, she could understand how he might see her time in Velaris as a waste. She looked down at her own cup and kept her eyes trained there, not wanting to look back at him, not wanting to see resentment there. One way or the other. She understood. She had seen it many times. The pain a long illness puts on the people around the life in peril becomes unbearable. The constant waiting for the worst thing imaginable. Often death at this point is a relief, a chance to finally move forward. They stayed like that until Rhysand arrived. They heard his footsteps outside the house when he winnowed on to the path to the front door. Cassian stood to meet him and Talia followed suit. They stood inside the entryway expectantly as Rhysand opened the front door, his arms full of papers and books. He opened the front door, saw them standing before him and nearly dropped what he was carrying, his mouth falling open in surprise. They should have warned him somehow.

"Something happened?" his voice portrayed none of the surprise and concern on his face. Talia's cheeks flushed. Of course they should have warned him, he would think they were here to tell him the worst. Cassian stepped forward slightly. He opened his mouth and shut it again. They hadn't spoken about what to say to Rhysand.

"It's an animation Hex. We learned this morning." Cassian said, finally. Talia looked up at him quickly, surprised he was so blunt with the news, before looking back to Rhysand and nodding her confirmation. She realized she was wringing her hands and discreetly clasped them behind her back.

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