The competition

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Technoblade was going on with his ordinary day when he was about to get on the subway with all the peasants when he saw two people playing a game. Behind the curious man he is, he decided to interfere.
"Hey what are we playing" techno said as he took a blue paper from one of the guys who looked disgusting. The man seemed to just accept that and left.
"Have you played this game before" another man in a suit with the red card said.
"No" techno replied.
"Your objective is to flip my card, if you succeed you win 1000$"
Techno got ready and slammed his hard into the ground, resulting in the red card being flipped. The man with the suit looked extremely shocked.
"What" techno asked.
"You weren't supposed to get it on your first try" the guy said looking astonished.
"Bruuuuuh" techno replied as the man in the suit handed him a block of cash.
"What's this" techno asked as he looked at it" the man looked up at him in cunfusion
"It's your prize" the man continued "if you ever want to win more than call this number" he handed him a business card with three shapes on it and walked away.
"There was a prize?" Techno asked himself "oh well"
Techno stood there impatiently at the corner of the nearly empty street where he was told to wait. The moon wasn't showing making the sky look darker than normal. What was he doing waiting at an empty street in the middle of the night. All for money? This was some sketchy shit but techno decided to stay, after all, technoblade never dies. He just wanted to have some fun.
"what's the worst that could happen" he said to himself very quietly. Oh, he had no idea.
It had been thirty minutes and nothing had happened yet. Technoblade was getting ready to go back home when a big black van showed up, driving in his direction.
"Card?" The man driving the van said, he was wearing a jumpsuit somewhere between hot pink and red. He had a black mask with a circle on his face, he also had black gloves. You could see nothing but his jumpsuit, gloves, and the mask.
Technoblade showed him the card that he had been given the day before.
"Damn techno this is pretty fishy" technoblade thought to himself  "any normal person would run by now, but I don't really care" the door of the van opened and technoblade got in. He observed his surroundings and noticed that not a single person was awake.
"What the heck is this" he asked the driver.
white smoke started to fill the back of the van to where the driver wasn't affected. Suddenly a black haze quickly grew and blurred technoblade's vision until he fell into a deep sleep.
Technoblade's pov~~
When I woke up, I wasn't in the same van anymore. Instead, I was in a giant room, filled with really tall bunk beds and at least 450 people. I sat up all the way and looked down at myself to reveal that I was no longer wearing the same outfit. Instead, I was wearing a blue jumpsuit with a number tag on it that said '456' on it.
"What the heck is this, this color looks terrible on me" came out of my mouth as if on instinct.
"That's what your complaining about?" He heard a voice to the left of him say, technoblade turned around and saw someone with the same outfit on him, only it had the number '91' on it.
Asked a person to his left with a white headband and the number 91 on his jumpsuit "not about the fact that we were kidnapped or there are literally hundreds of people here"
"Oh hey sapnap" techno said as he looked around, he hadn't even noticed how there were so many people around them. He could name a handful of them, sapnap, dream, Tommy and "Philza?!" TECHNOBLADE asked shocked as philza walked towards him.
"Yep that's me" philza says as he walks towards techno.
"Hey old pal" techno says "do you have any idea what we are doing"
"I think we are supposed to be playing kid games for a hu-"
"TOMMY GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF" a random guy shouted. Techno looked up and saw that there where huge bunk beds with at least five beds stacked on each column and tommyinnit was standing on the very top bed on one leg.
"Woah what the honk" another guy said from behind techno, he turned around and saw Karl jacobs in his bed looking as if he had just woken up.
"May everyone please pay your attention up here" techno heard a voice behind him say, causing him to turn around, he saw another one of those hooded guards, only this one was wearing all black and had a different type of mask than the others.
"A huge thanks for all of you who decided to participate in this competition, you will all be playing six different games from your childhood, we do have some rules for you all that I will go ahead and state,
Rule 1. If you lose any game, you will be eliminated.
Rule 2. Once you have begun playing you can not quit or leave the games.
Rule 3. If you refuse to participate, you will immediately be eliminated from the game."
"Any questions" there were a few murmurs but no one spoke up.
"Alright then, let the first game begin."

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