21-We'll find a way

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*two week later and still no improvement on finding Bucky*
SR: we have to go out there and look then.
TS: no we don't. We'll find a way.
SR: but the tracker in his suit is gone.
TS: yes but not in my Stark tech weapons.
Y/n: what do you mean?
TS: we found his gun in another what we think is hydra base. Nat, Clint Wanda and Thor are on there way now.
SR: if it's hydra or Bucky why am I not there.
TS: because if you go you might go all crazy like last time and hit someone.
SR: this is stupid I should be there *he stormed out of Tony's lab*

Y/n: you don't think he's there, do you?
TS: there not that stupid to think my weapons haven't got trackers in. I thinks it's just to distract us. We'll find him don't worry.
Y/n: I hope so. Friday where's Steve?
FR: he's in the gym in the Rogers-Barnes house.
Y/n: thanks.
TS: Roger-Barnes seriously.
Y/n: they did it not me. Friday what's my name.
FR: y/n Rogers-Barnes and never call you Ward.
Y/n: they did it.

*you go to the gym to see Steve nearly destroying the punching bag you shout his name but he doesn't stop*
Y/n: Steve!
*so you walk up to him and stand in front of the punching bag he goes to punch but stop inches away from your face*
SR: y/n.
Y/n: Stevie you need to calm down.
SR: I want him back.
Y/n: I know but you going all angry isn't going to help. Now please can you come with me and cook something then we can watch movies in bed. Please.
SR: fine okay.

*you look down at his hands and there were bleeding*
Y/n: let's sort this out first.
*you kiss his hand then go to the kitchen and bandaged his hand up. After making dinner and eating you got into bed and watched movies*
SR: I'm going to get a drink do you want anything
Y: no I'm good.
*when Steve was is the kitchen you could hear things smashing*
Y/n: Stevie are you okay? Steve!

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