20- We can do this

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*you walk home and find Steve laying in bed*
Y/n: Stevie.
*he jumps up and hugs you*
SR: y/n.

SR: I'm so sorry I ignored you and I'm sorry I lost him. I turned around for a second and he was gone. Buck he's gone. I've lost him. It's all my fault.
Y/n: hey hey hey calm down. It's not your fault.
SR: I was supposed to protect him and I failed. I failed him and I failed you. I'm sorry.
Y/n: it's okay We got him back once we will get him back again.
SR: we got him back after two years. I can't last that long without him. Not again.
Y/n: we have more people that can help us this time. We will get our Bucky back.
SR: I hope so.
Y/n: we can do this. I love you.
SR:I love you.
Y/n: come on you need some rest.

*You pull him over to the bed and cuddle together*
SR: this feels weird. Without Buck.
Y/n: just pretend he's in another room. He'll be home soon.
Y/n: I heard you nearly hit Stark.
SR: well he was in my way. Everyone shouted at me and I almost could hear you laughing.
Y/n: *you start giggling* I would of laughed.

*you both fell asleep and woke up early the next morning*
SR: I can never not miss the cuddles we get with you after a mission.
Y/n: they are the best.
*he snuggled into your neck and chest hugging you. Steve was always the one to hug you, the person on the outside so when he wants to be hugged and is in your arms you always know something wrong*
Y/n: what do you want to do today?
SR: find buck.
Y/n: I think we should leave that to the others just for today you need some rest. Do you want to go work out. I may not be as strong but I can bear tackle you.
SR: after this. I want to be in your arms.
Y/n: of course baby.
*you lay there playing with Steve's hair until he finally gets up and you both go to the gym Steve actually working out whilst you mess around, trying to push him over, clinging onto him as he does weights. None of it affects his work your like a ant compare to Steve and Bucky but it definitely cheered him up*

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