Undeniable attraction part 2

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"Need another drink peter?" Natasha asked as she pinned me sweating just as much as me "you want me to give up that quick, what would be the point in that when im about to win" i smirked kicking my leg out to free myself before using my webs to pin her to the floor "fuck" she yelled as i jumped on her keeping her from escaping "you need another drink Nat?" i mocked she shook her head "ok, ok i surrender let me go you weirdo" i laugh getting up taking Natasha's outstretched hand helping her too before walking over to the drink station were i could see Bucky talking to Dr. strange and i couldn't help but stare, he wasn't do anything but standing but i noticed his stance, more relaxed than he had seen him in a while. i didn't realise i was staring for so long until i heard from over my shoulder "you can stare all you like it's not going to help your growing feelings'' i jumped slightly looking over at Nat ''don't know what you're talking about'' i murmured turning away from the lab grabbing my bottle "oh right you have no idea what I'm talking about yet i catch you staring whenever he turns his back" she rolled her eyes and i sighed, Mr stark was right about her you can't get anything past the black widow. after a while in silenced i looked around making sure Bucky wasn't in earshot before turning to Natasha "at first i never really noticed him, like i knew who he was Mr popular but i didn't really notice him as a person until the beginning of the school year and even then i only noticed him like everyone else, he was just hot, something straight out of the magazines I've seen all the girls reading but when ned spoke up that day a week ago everything changed" i could see she wanted to say something but i held my hand up telling her enough, that i needed to get it all out otherwise i wouldn't be able to so she didn't say anything and i continued "when he pinned me to the locker i felt the fire but when i looked him in the eye just below the pride and arrogance was something else that looked like pain or maybe sorrow i don't know but from then i just felt the need to find out why but i would have never guessed mj would turn up with him later that night beaten to the point of near death, seeing him like that i just felt so damn helpless and then he woke up and he looked at me like i understood his pain and i knew why he did everything he did" i shook my head, everything having spilt out of me feeling like a weight off my shoulders but i didn't dare look her in the eye i didn't want to know what was waiting for me there but i felt a hand on my shoulder "peter what you just described to me is that you care for this boy a lot but don't know whether your feelings are mutual and how to find out" damn she was that good "you want to fix him i understand that really i do but" she made me look at her "he won't need fixing if you prove that you will stand by him through everything that life has to throw" she hugged me and i melted into the hug "thanks Natasha" i said knowing i didn't need to ask her to keep what we had talked about to herself but she just pulled away winked at me before picking up a knife grinning at me "let's give those Spidey senses some training".

Another hour of training passed before dr. strange brought Bucky back in "he's doing well in his recovery, another few days and he should be ok to go back home" i gave him my thanks "no worries parker your stats are still coming through but i wouldn't worry your normally fine" i nodded, being apart of the avengers team meant that i had to have regular fitness checks and blood work done but it always came back fine, despite Mr stark telling me everyone needed it i think it was more to give aunt may peace of mind with the spider venom coursing through my veins. "so, your saying im clear to go outside of this tower?" Bucky asked putting his shirt back on "while i wouldn't recommend it, as long as someone is with you at all times im fine with it" Bucky looked like he was about to object "just until the weeks end i don't need you tearing something" he grumbled something that i didn't hear before looking at me "hey parker im going to a party tonight since im guessing your gunna be my watch dog your gunna have to come" he walked over to me getting close enough that i could reach my hand out and touch his muscled chest "fuck this up for me and i will make you regret it" his grin faltered for a moment realizing where he was and who i was and gaining some confidence i got in closer and whispered "sounds fun, sure ill tag along i would suggest you take Natasha with you but i wouldn't want her to steal your spotlight" he stepped back shock written all along his face "were leaving at 7 be ready" he walked out of the gym and i would left stood there feeling confident and also nervous about what might happen at this party if i wasn't real careful.

Hey guys sorry for the long time between posts latley i love this story but the writers block has been nuts but im finally in a position in the story where i will be positing a lot more, get ready cause shit is about to get fun. ;)

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