An uneasy truce

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Once Bucky had passed out again i sat down to finally eat something with mj "so what are we gunna tell his mother when she comes looking for him" she asked in between mouthfuls of pasta "to be honest i don't know i mean i know a bit about his family and by what i know she won't even realize he is missing for a while" i sighed, despite hating him for the kind of person he is Mr. stark told me it was my duty to the avengers to know at least the basic family structure of all the high ranking members of my school society in case we needed their parents influence for something but when i looked into him expecting the same as all the others i was shocked by what i saw, missing dad, stripper mum and abusive stepfather he also had a younger sister in the foster system but i never could quiet bring myself to look into her. we finished the rest of our food in silence before mj stood up looking tired after the nights events "well im gunna head out thank god its the weekend i don't think any of us could deal with that after tonight" i nodded hugging her before she left washing the plates from dinner and then deciding i should call Mr. stark, i had been wondering if it was a good idea since Bucky arrived here and came to the conclusion that i couldn't keep him here and that he needed serious medical attention now and that there was a high chance one of his many wounds were already infected which wasn't a good sign. pulling out my phone i clicked on Mr. starks number and waited for him to answer "hey kid i though i sent you home to get some rest" he said as a way of greeting "Mr. stark i need your help" i must of sounded desperate as his tone shifted instantly "what's happened are you ok?" i quickly told him everything before adding onto the end "he's hurt bad and i think one of the wounds in his side are infected i didn't know who else to call" he was silent for a moment "im sending Nat in a car to come and get you both grab him something clean to wear ill see you when you get here" "ok see you then" i said quickly before ending the call and going towards my room, before eating we had moved him into my room so he was more comfortable so i slowly walked in to wake him up to find him passed out like before but shirtless and despite the pressing circumstances i couldn't help but stare and imagine what all his abs felt like. "enjoying the view" Natasha voice asked from behind me and i shook myself, i hadn't meant to stare for so long and quickly grabbed some random clothes out of my draws and throw them into a bag "ready to go" i asked but she just smiled and walked over to the bed pulling back the covers to grab Bucky but just sighed "good thing i brought Wanda for back up" i didn't get what she meant until i saw that Bucky wasn't only shirtless he was in nothing other than his boxers and i had to grab hold of the bookcase next to me for support "Wanda mind floating him to the car" Nat yelled and Wanda along with my aunt may walked in "sorry aunt may i didn't mean to wake you" i apologized "your helping this young man peter my sleep isn't important at this moment" she waved her hand walking back to her bedroom at the same time Wanda clicked her fingers and Bucky floated off the bed waking up in the process "what the hell" is shouted trying to get down but i shot my webs at him to restrain him "if you don't struggle this will go smother Barnes plus i don't think Mr. stark will be happy if you bled all over his car" i said following Natasha out of the room through the house "aunt may ill be back after school Monday" i yelled "alright dear tell tony i say hello" she called back and i couldn't help but smile.

The journey back should have been simple but Bucky wouldn't shut up, trying to annoy me with comments like "your dead when i get out of this parker" and "you need Mr. starks minions to come and save your ass" but i stopped being nice when he started hitting on the girls "damn peter i didn't know you knew so many supermodels, hey gorgeous let me buy you dinner and treat you right" i smirked at Natasha she looked annoyed but i turned to him still tied up with my webs and wands magic in the back "go near her Barnes and ill leave you where nobody will find you" this made Natasha chuckle "relax peter leave something for the other guys to play with" she motioned to the tower were in deed the others were waiting by the elevator "this should be fun" Wanda said as we parked and got out, Mr. stark was by my side as soon as i stepped out "where is he?" he asked and i motioned to where Bucky was now once again floating "he wouldn't stop struggling when we were moving him so this was the only solution" i shrugged but he looked horrified "you revealed yourself as Spiderman are you crazy kid" "he wont say anything" i assured him looked back at Bucky to tell him, no he wouldn't and once he was looked over we would talk, with that out of the way they took Bucky off and i went with the two girls to sort a room and other essentials for Bucky. once they had made sure there was nothing life threatening wrong with him Bucky was brought to him temporary room, i knocked before entering this time and sat down on the bed facing him "i knew there was something freaky about you but i never thought you were Spiderman" he said and i shook my head "forget that for a moment and listen" he sat back waiting for me to continue "yes i am Spiderman and you know other things that i think you know i would like to keep quiet but i know other things which i believe you would like to keep silent as well so i thought up a compromise" "ha what could you possibly know about me" he snarled but i spoke again softer this time "you agree to keep my secrets and ill keep the fact that your family is a broken mess and the fact that you have a younger sister out there in the world" he froze at this nostrils flaring but he seemed to think whatever he was going to do through before nodding holding out his hand to me "ok parker you've got yourself a deal" i shook his hand marveling at how strong he was "so" i started trying to break the tension "were not enemies anymore but were not friends, what does that make us?" i pondered and he chuckled "how about frenemies" at this i couldn't help but smile and truly laugh which set him off and as we sat there laughing together a warm numbness made its way over my body.

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