Party time

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" I can't wear this!!" I cried looking at the outfit that is in front of me, it's a pair of black skinny jeans and a shirt that is so skin tight I might as well be wearing nothing at all I look over at Wanda and Nat in disbelief "well you didn't have much in your wardrobe and we don't have time to go shopping" Wanda sighs gesturing to the outfit lying on my bed " plus we all know you would look good in it" I shake my head looking for Nat for support " look you agreed to go to this party and you called us to help you with getting ready and this is what we've got for you" i looked away enable to believe what i was hearing "remind me why i agreed to go to this thing again" i asked shaking my head, i knew they really had no clue why but i did, the way his confident faltered around me even for just a fleeting moment made me feel powerful and confident which didn't happen much save for mj and ned so i agreed but was now seriously thinking off asking Nat to go in my place "we've got nothing else" i pleaded but they both shook there heads "fine ill get dressed give me a min i sighed picking up the outfit and going into the bathroom to change regretting this already. after changing and showing the girls who loved it mentioning how i could forget Bucky and pull anyone at this party we made our way through the tower to find Bucky stood at the entrance waiting with us, he was wearing his normal clothing plus a leather jacket which was obviously real leather as i could smell it "looking good parker lets move" he motioned for a bike which i recognized as his "like hell im getting on that thing" i protested but he just smirked "well its either this or nothing parker" i couldn't help but chuckle "ill meet you there" he looked almost disappointed by this remark but hopped on driving off and i gave the girls a nod before swinging after Bucky, their good lucks following on a phantom wind. getting to the party i was shocked to see the amount of people from school there all of them popular and most of them who took pleasure in making my life a living hell for the last 3 years and as i desperately looked for Barnes i caught the eye of one of his goonies instead "hey parker i don't know what the hell you think your doing here but i would get lost before i" "before you what" bucks voice behind me stooped him dead and caused all most of the party to look around at us "nothing boss i was just telling this loser to get lost" bucks hand gripped my waist and my breath hitched every nerve in my body going right to that contact "this one is with me and i expect you to behave, hell ignore him all night for all i care but you aren't to touch him" the guy nodded walking off and one looked from Bucky had the party resuming "ignore everyone and you'll be fine parker" Bucky whispered before letting me go and making his way into the party where his hand was still warm from the contact, as my heart was coming down from the high i grabbed a drink from a random table and downed it in one go and i gagged at the taste "what the hell is this stuff" i asked a random girl and she shrugged "a bunch of random crap thrown in a bowl" i looked to the bowl then looked around knowing that this was going to be a long ass night i poured myself another drink.

The party had been going on for hours now and i was having fun with my mates drinking and playing games all night when i heard someone yell from the crowd "the nerd is about to get laid" i knew who he was talking about and i walked over t him as calmly as i could "where is he" i asked knowing my voice sounded way to protective, this whole night i had kept one eye on peter and he seemed to be having a good time i even saw him chatting with a blonde girl i wasn't familiar with and i felt a pang of annoyance by this girls presence then stupid for it after, he was Spiderman he could look after himself just fine but like earlier in the night when my underline had made a move to hurt him i had jumped to his rescue feeling the need to what i didn't expect was his reaction to my touch however it was meant to be a power play letting the others think that the nerd was my newest play thing and that he wasn't to be touched and i though that threat had been taken seriously but now "upstairs with a blonde chick" the guy chuckled "he's so gunna get fucked by her" i shoved him aside trying to make my way to the stairs but Steve grabbed my wrist "leave the freak be buck, let him finally lose his v-card" i snarled at this ripping my wrist out of his grasp "fuck you Steve" i snapped sending the whole room silent as i bolted up the stairs busing into the bedroom to find the blonde girl peter had been talking with before on top of him, his shirt was off and she was trying to undo his pants "hey bitch back off" i yelled throwing her off him she screamed "what the hell Barnes we were just having fun" i tossed her shirt and bra to her looking away "yeah trying to rape him looks like a lot of fun, get the hell out" she muttered something i couldn't hear before walking out leaving me and peter alone. it took a while but eventually he sobered up enough to talk "what the hell were you thinking drinking like that?" i asked looking at him, he was still drunk but not like before when he could barley move let alone hold a conversation "I was bored and you weren't gunna hang out with me so i drank" he shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal "parker you almost got raped tonight and you don't even seem to care" i put my head in my hands bot wanting to imagine of i had gotten here just moments later "well you saved me like i knew you would so im ok" i looked back at him his eyes clear despite his slurred speech and i knew he was being honest with me "what if i had stopped her just so i could have you stead huh?" i asked pinning him in the chair with my hand getting really close "you wouldn't have" he mumbled looking straight at me as if he could see all my pain and just didn't care i got up and walked to the other side of the room the alcohol was making us both crazy "don't act like you know me parker we've barley spoken" "well i can tell you have a good heart" he got up and i ended up against the wall with his hand over my heart "and that no matter what you've been through there is still a person underneath all of this i would like to get to know if you just" i couldn't listen to this anymore i grabbed his wrist and spun him pressing his back against the wall pinning his wrist above him "don't assume anything about me parker" i knew my breath was hagged and so was his and i suddenly became aware that he was still shirtless and that we were only a hairs apart but i couldn't pull away and he didn't move either instead he leaned forward until our lips were so close i could feel them and whispered "I wish you were the ones shirtless right now" and before my rational thought could take control i kissed him, hard.

Maybe is was the booze making everything fuzzy but i swear Bucky moaned slightly as he kissed me both of us ending up pressed into each other, i grabbed at him trying to get him closer as he parted my lips with his tounge and ravaged my mouth unable to contain it a small moan escaped me and my hands found there way under his shirt and i explored every inch of his torso as he explored me "fuck peter" he said pulling away to breath but i quickly kissed him again needing to keep us connected, i didn't want to think about what had been said between us tonight, i just wanted him, with he smell of leather in the air we fell into the bed grabbing at each other as if we were wild animals unable to get enough of each other fast enough "the nerd and the bad boy, never saw this coming" i mumbled but his response was lost on me as i heard sirens blaring and the whole room flashed in red and blue lights "shit the police" Bucky said looking at me and i nodded before he could speak, we couldn't be caught like this so we jumped up and Bucky opened the window "hurry up peter" "I cant find my shirt" i said looking for it but i felt something being pressed into my hand and i threw it on without looking, the smell of leather made me look and see that i was wearing his jacket, i blushed slightly and he shot me a grin "don't overthink it and jump" i did without question landing safely in a bush, from there we ran but Bucky went in the other direction to me "Bucky where the hell are you going?" i half yelled as we heard cops storm the house, seconds later he pulled up in front of me on his bike "get on" he instructed and i looked at him like he was crazy but he just shot back "either this or a police car" i nodded jumping onto the back wrapping my arms around his waist as we sped off into the night my heart and head racing as the sirens got quieter i held on tighter to him not wanting tonight to end.

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