Talia al Ghul: He'll be wise not to come.

Everyone now knows that Hannah is on her way. Meanwhile back in hell, Batman, Zatanna, Constantine, & Etrigan barely made it out of Azarath as they manage to steal Trigon's diamond from him and deliver it to Lucifer.

Lucifer: Wonderful, you did it. Now hand it over.

Etrigon: First the girl's soul.

Lucifer: Fine, I'm a being of my word. A deal's a deal.

Lucifer flips the coin that contains Hannah's souls and tosses it to Batman as he catches it. Etrigan then hand over the diamond to Lucifer.

Lucifer: At last. Now it's mine.

John Constantine: Now that our business is done here. Shall we get going.

Lucifer: Allow me.

Lucifer opens up another portal that leads to the Batcave. The portal opens up at the Batcave as Barbara, Alfred, Red Robin, Robin, Red Hood, & Nightwing take notice.

Nightwing: What's that?

Barbara Gordon: A portal to hell, they must be coming back.

Zatanna & Etrigan go through the portal as they return to the Batcave.

Batman: Thanks for her soul.

Lucifer: We should do business again someday.

Batman: Unlikely.

Batman now goes through the portal as he now returns to the Batcave. Before Constantine would go through...

Lucifer: Oh, and Johnny... I'll see you soon.

John Constantine: Likewise.

Constantine now goes through the portal as he now finds himself back at the Batcave with the others as portal closes.

Barbara Gordon: Did you do it?

Batman: We did it, we've got Hannah's soul back.

Batman shows off the coin with her name on as Constantine takes it off Batman's hand.

John Constantine: Now before we give it back to her...

Constantine starts chanting in Latin as the coin begins to glow with a bright white light.

Nightwing: What did you do?

John Constantine: You really think Lucifer was just going to hand over Hannah's soul like that? Her soul was still damned to hell. I just cleansed it, a brand new slate so she can get into heaven when her time comes.

Batman: Good thinking.

Batman then notices that Hannah isn't in the cave.

Batman: Where's Hannah?

Red Hood: About that...

Red Robin: While you were all gone, Talia showed up and turned the Batsignal on. Me & Damian went to check it when we found her there. She had Jessica Davis with her.

Batman: She has Jessica?

Barbara Gordon: As well as Clay Jensen and the others.

Nightwing: And to make matters worse, her parents as well.

Batman: Where is she?

Robin: Mother told us that if Hannah didn't go to Amusement Mile alone, they will kill her parents and her friends.

John Constantine: Looks like you've got a lot of work. good luck to you all.

Zatanna: You're leaving?

John Constantine: My job is done. You wanted me to get rid of Prometheus, done. You wanted me to get you her soul, done. I'm done, the League of Assassins is your problem now, mate.

Batman: We could use your help.

Etrigan: Typical of Constantine, only thinking about himself.

John Constantine: I have no quarrel with Ra's al Ghul.

Red Hood: Just let him go. What good will he be against the League.

John Constantine: Adios.

And just like that, John Constantine leaves the Batcave and Wayne Manor.

Batman: Where in Amusement Mile are they meeting?

Robin: The abandoned subway station.

Batman: Then let's go!

Batman reloads on his gadgets and puts on a new suit. Zatanna & Etrigan agreed to help in their fight against the League of Assassins as they now make their way to Amusement Mile for the final battle with the League of Assassins.

Retribution: A 13 Reasons Why/Batman CrossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin