Grades and Whine - Ch. 4

Comincia dall'inizio

'¡NO, NO, NO, NOOOO! This is going so wrong! Why!? Why can't I fucking block him like I use to!?' She mentally discussed with herself.

"Concentrate, y/l/n. Focus." He demanded. I nodded. "Legeremens!"

(Start of memory)
Her parents and her were playing hide and seek together. Her dad was counting while her mother and her were searching for a place to hide in. When her dad found them, he started a battle of tickles, all vs all. When the tickle battle ended, she saw her parents gave each other a tender kiss. She only watched them with twinkling eyes. Their love was unbreakable. She suddenly felt them kissing her and tickeling her.
(End of memory)

"Feeling sentimental?" He spat.

"Thats private." Her heart was racing.

"Not to me. Not to other Legilimens." He stated. "Control your emotions. Legilimens!"

(Start of memory)
When she was 4, her dad came home with a beautiful black pup. Surprising her, her mom and Lulla.

"Mom, Lulla, come quick! Look what daddy brought!"

"Oh he's precious, little one." Said Lulla joyfull.

"He's a handsome boy, honey." Her mother said smiling.

"Daddy, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! You, mom and Lulla are the best!" She said jumping up and down, then she kissed both of her parents and Lulla, then she hugged all 3 of them.

"I will name him Midnight! My Midnight. I love you!" She said smiling widely and kissing the pup on it's little head.

(End of memory)

"I may vommit."

"Stop, please." She pleaded. He ignored her.


Another memory was seen by Severus.

"You call that control?" He arrogantly spat. "Legeremens!"

(Start of memory)
-Y/n 5ᵗʰ year. April 5ᵗʰ.-

The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was unable to attend her class, so she asked Professor Snape to teach her class for today. Which he accepted. It was three hours of D.A.D.A class and then three more hours of Potions. 6 hours in a row with him! Both classes, she did nothing but look at every detail of him. Before her, he was perfect. Physically. Imagining every 10 seconds thousands and thousands of obscene things, causing her panties to get more and more wet.

She finally arrived at her dorm, after 6 hours of pure torture. She was extremely turned on, also a little pissed. She had detention with Snape at 9 pm for daydreaming in class all those hours. The thought of spending more time with him turned her on even more.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the bedroom, she locked the door, layed down on her bed, lifted her skirt and slowly put her right hand in her panties. She began to stroke herself slowly with her middle finger. Dragging it from clit to entrance over and over, lightly sticking the tip of her finger inside her teasingly. She arched her back, closed her eyes and threw her head back. With her other hand she took her left breast, giving it light squeezes. She inserted one finger, then two... Then three. Her fingers going in and out, she wiggled them expertly. Trying her best not to moan. She increased her speed and within seconds she came intensely as she screamed in a whisper 'Severus! Fuck, fuck, fuck!'...
(End of memory)

"You're pathetic." He harshly stated with a look of disgust.

"You were not supposed to see that." She said with embarrassment. By now, she felt even more exposed than ever.

"Too late." He said pointing his wand at her, again. "Legilimens!"

Another memory of her with her family was seen by him.

"Sir, just give me a rest." Her voice almost breaking.


This time, he saw the start of her most important memory. Befor he could see more, she shot up from the chair she was sitting on, breaking the connection and throwing him out of her mind.

"I said it was enough!" She yelled at him with rage. His expresión turned even colder, the anger grew inside of him. He abruptly grabbed and tugged her by the arm with a tight grasp, making her crash against his hard chest. His face inches away from hers. Seconds later she felt that something hard was touching her leg, but she was totally caught up in her angerness to make out what it was. She only wanted to punch the man before her for being such an asshole.

"Do you think that after what we have done so far, your mind will be safe from others???" He hissed tightening his grasp. She clenched her jaw.

"Exactly! It will not. So I suggest you start trying and stop acting like a stupid, little sentimental girl." He spat through gritted teeth and he pushed her backwards with force, sending her stumbling back. Befor she could catch onto something to prevent from falling, the back of her head hit a bookshelf.

When her head made contact with the hard material, her vision became blurry. She suddenly found it difficult to breathe and she could feel that her legs were losing strength.

His anger vanished when he saw her struggling to send some air to her lungs. The shock of realizing what he did seconds ago hit him hard across the face. Her legs fighting for strength. He rapidly made his way towards her. Quickly he made a move and reached for her waist to keep her standing while he said in a low soft voice,

"Y/n, I..."

She pulled herself away from him, making him stop talking. His heart sunk. He moved towards her again, trying to help her.

"I did'nt mea..." He was cutt off once more.

"Don't you dare touch me." She demanded in a low dangerous tone. Her face and voice showed rage, disgust... Dissapointment. That made his heart sink even more. She quickly made her way to the door and walked out of the room without saying another word. Without looking back. She went to her room and locked herself inside.

Y/n P. O. V.

"Fucking bastard." I whispered with rage. Hot tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Ok, ok, ok... Stop. Stop. You are not going to cry. You can't cry over that asshole. You just can't." I mumbled blinking away the tears.

End of Y/n P. O. V

She spent the rest of the day locked up in her room. She also did'nt eat. The only thing she wanted at that moment, was to sleep to forget what had happened for a while.

Soon after, she fell into a deep slumber.

𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...

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