24 - Manipulation

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I got c2 childe and I don't regret shit, albedo c1 here I come.


"Tell you more?" Childe smiles, "Alright, I'll budge." The harbinger sits on the stool again, facing the alchemist, "But first, you have to tell me two things."

Knowledge comes at a price.

"Y/n is in possession of a delusion," Childe states and Albedo furrows his eyebrows, perplexed by the fact they know she has the device, "Seeing as you were there that night, I'm assuming the damage was caused by the use of her delusion. What actually happened?"

"Hasn't the mage there already given you the rundown of what occurred?"

"The mage there explained what happened, but I'm sure you have a better understanding about what happened to Y/n. That's what I'm asking about."

Albedo hesitates but nods, "I had stayed behind at the camp and for whatever reason, she came back to help me," Albedo tilts his head, letting it crack before he continues his explanation, "Your men had already ambushed me at the core. Having not completed their objective they followed me to my own campsite."

"Twice..." Childe's eyes narrow, seeming to be annoyed.

"I admit if Y/n hadn't been so persistent in saving me I'd likely be in the hands of you lot already," Albedo leans back against a table, "The man that night died, did he not?"

Childe nods, wanting to question how Albedo knew but deciding against it, "I'm sure that was no ordinary fire?"

"It was delusion you so carelessly let fall into the enemy's hands," the alchemist, gains a sense of pride as he ridicules the fatui for their own shortcomings, "She's been able to use it without repercussions, but that night she was unarmed. She turned to a sword I had kept away and it created flames far stronger than she could control."

"That's what I heard," Childe seems to gain an understanding from Albedo's explanation, but he doesn't vocalize it, "Second question," he adjusts the glove on his hand, "The weapon she used that night. Reports say it was a black sword that drew the power from her hand. What is it?"

Albedo withdraws, moving to sit on the opposite side of the harbinger, "I had found it in a storage room of the knights. A simple stolen good from the treasure hoarders. Nothing more."

Childe's eyes fall dull, "And what simple good catches the eye of an alchemist like you?"

"Do you remember the human phrase 'curiosity killed the cat'?" Albedo asks, his voice dry and unamused by the boy's prying, "I'm sure you know what I am considering you're all looking for me." Albedo leans in, a raging fire in his eyes, "I believe it's best we keep personal matters to ourselves, Lord Harbinger."

This makes a dissatisfied grin appear on Childe's lips, "Fine," he taps the counter, "As promised, I'll give you a short rundown of my delusion. I can't keep my men waiting too long."

"Go ahead."

"Delusions are created from the remains of ancient gods or entities, taking on the power of visions. Those who don't bear visions likely wouldn't be able to control them properly and those who do will have noticeable effects of the after-use."

"What do you mean by that?"

Childe waves a hand, "Let me get to it," Childe pulls his from his belt, "Just like visions, wielding delusions come at a price as they're technically cursed remnants of the gods. Extremely energy costing and physically straining. Tearing you from the inside out if not used properly."

Albedo's forehead creases at this, thinking of your condition.

"With great power comes great sacrifice, right?" Childe adds and Albedo nods, "If I were to use my delusion too much I could end up in critical shape. It's different for everyone. Some lose vitality and youth, drained of life. Others are corrupted, and in my case... as well as Y/n. Our body strains until it breaks. Death is a possibility that's too prominent to ignore."

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