21 - Recovery

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3/7 archons collected, its bts up in this bitch.


Recovery perhaps was the slowest part of your stay at the hospital. Rehabilitation, regaining the ability to stand on your own again, was much harder than you bargained for. Though progress was progress. After several long weeks, you've finally been able to stand on your own, partially.

Standing was quite easy, but taking even one step from where you stand is another challenge you have to face within itself. To balance this inability you've been making your travels with the use of a walker. As embarrassing as it was, the tool was actually rather functional.

You'd use it to travel long distances of course, but it was also rather nifty as a rest to lean on or to hold drinks.

"Alright, grandma, let's get you to bed," Kaeya tells as he walks up to you from behind. Your head turns slightly to catch a glimpse of the knight. He lifts a hand and waves as he walks along the path. You wave back from your resting place.

"I admit you're much harder to find now that you're up and moving," he says, moving to lean on the stone railing beside you. He looks out over at the view, "You do have a knack for viewpoints though."

Your new designated viewpoint was the area just behind the Favonius church in the small grassy memorial they had. As depressing as it sounded, the view over the water that surrounded Mondstadt's city was surreal. The sun glimmered against the water and the expanse of Mondstadt could be seen from this simple spot.

Though when Kaeya glanced out, the one thing he noticed was how he could see the edge of Stormterrors Lair from where he stood. Just beyond that would be the place he once called home.

"How are you?" you asked.

"Same old," Kaeya responds, "I do have news, but I think someone else would like to deliver that."

"News? From who?"

Kaeya's gaze seems to set on something behind you and you turn your head to the right, jumping slightly at the unexpected presence of a blonde alchemist.

"Hey," Albedo greets casually.

It had been a while since you've seen him, sometimes he'd enter your room early in the morning to leave a new set of books for you to read, but beyond that, you haven't held a long conversation with the blonde for a couple of weeks.

"Hi," you respond, you glance between the two, "So what's going on?" It was rare they both confronted you with news, it was hard to tell when they started to pair up on you, but their relationship has clearly grown from what you saw before.

They seemed much like a tag team now compared to their previous bickering habits.

Kaeya leans forward, resting on his elbows over the stone railing. His eyes don't return to you, as if to let Albedo do the speaking. Seeing this, you look back at the alchemist.

The wind blows gently against you both, causing his hair to float into his face. He smiles, "We've discussed with the sisters," he says, pushing his hair out of his face, "You're to be discharged from your stay at the hospital."

It took you a moment before you could register the news. You've lost track of how long it's been since you've been admitted. It felt like ages, a couple of weeks felt like half a year. Hearing you were finally going to be able to be somewhere other than the church's hospital lightened a load you hardly recognized you were carrying.

"That's..." you start, a rush of adrenaline and questioned overwhelmed you, "When today? How am I- Where will I go for rehab?"

Albedo's eyes then glance toward Kaeya to pass the conversation to the cavalry captain. Kaeya's eyes were still gazing out at the water as he stands up straight, "We actually happened to find out yesterday. We delayed telling you to get permission from Acting Grand Master Jean to admit your stay at the Favonius Headquarters."

Time and Being || AlbedoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin