16 - Questioning

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I'd like to officially state that all contents in the story are based on personal theory and aren't canon (yet) in the official lore of Genshin Impact

Also plot progression? talk about sexy


"You're late," Albedo tells Kaeya, without even looking up at the knight.

"Fashionably," he responds, crossing his arms and resting his weight into his hip. The knight glances at Huffman and inclines his head, "Pleasure doing business with you, Huffman."

The young knight shies at the higher-up's acknowledgment, "You as well, Captain Kaeya." 

 Albedo clears his throat and shuts his sketchbook, standing up as he begins to walk away. Kaeya follows, beginning his questioning session, "So, Master Albedo," he hums, "Surely you don't think the Fatui will simply let us waltz into their embassy," he tells the alchemist, "How do you plan to handle this?"

"I've got questioning covered," Albedo responds, tucking his book under his arm before turning to Huffman, "We'll start with informing the embassy of the occurrence on the mountain," the alchemist puts a hand on his hip, "Huffman, if you could, I'd like you to discuss receiving admission with Grand Master Jean. Once you do there's no need to report to me, I'm sure you know what happened."

Huffman nods and salutes, "Understood."

Kaeya lifts an eyebrow, grinning, "Oh, and what about me? I'll be glad to assist you however you--"

"You're coming with me. It'll be beneficial to have a cavalry captain by my side when I reach the camp."

The knight pauses, "The camp?" he questions, but Albedo disregards the question, saving the explanation for later.

"Huffman, if you will," Albedo says and Huffman nods, saluting once more before heading off to the knight's quarters.

Once the young brunette is gone, Kaeya turns to Albedo once more, "So... this 'camp' that you're speaking of. You can't mean you're planning on infiltrating a fatui camp in broad daylight," Kaeya laughs in disbelief as Albedo ignores him once more, turning away as he pulls a map from his sketchbook, unfolding it.

"Y/n did it as a child."

Kaeya huffs, "That's beside the point--"

Albedo gazes at the map, ignoring Kaeya's pestering once again, "I believe you're underestimating me. I assure you I'm not as reckless as you may think."

"Here," the alchemist finally says, placing a finger on a waypoint in Dragonspine. His finger traces down a path pointing at another part of the mountain, "This is where the dragon's core is, where I was first attacked. Tracing from there, I found a Fatui camp just around the corner here," his finger taps on the paper, "That's where we're going."

Kaeya, amused by the alchemist's knowledge, grins, "And what do you expect to do when we get there?"

Albedo folds the paper, "I'll figure that out," he responds in an apathetic manner before lifting a hand to Kaeya, "Shall we?"

"Are you aware of the risks this journey has?"

Albedo grabs Kaeya's wrist, "What matters more? Our safety or knowledge?"

"That's subject to one's opinion," Kaeya responds, smiling, "Though, I believe I already know yours."

With that, the two disappear into thin air, their vision going dark for but a moment before they reappear. Their feet sink into the snow beneath them and a fresh, cool breeze blows against them.

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