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??? pov (3rd person)

Nothing felt colourful anymore. It was all gone. Every spec of colour from this miserable piece of rock. Gone. Just like that. It funny how quickly things can change. One second you're all exited, full of joy and the next your broken, lost.

They walk past the rubble looked to been untouched for years. Moss growing from underneath burned slabs of timber. Panic struck through them, running through the sea of rust and rubble.

They step up the once familiar stairs, now just recognisable. Past the door frame which is surprisingly still standing, not by much. Walking past the door frame examining each corner of the crumbled building panic struck through them like they had never experienced before. Turing and running in between the different piles of rubble.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" They shout throughout the broken down village. It didn't look new like it once did. You could barley see the frames of a house mixed in with the rubble and ashes.

"no no no no NO! i was only gone for.. HOW LONG WAS I GONE FOR!! I know you're both alive... SO WHERE ARE YOU!!"

super short chapter sorry- i am on holidays so i haven't written in a bit but i will write more soon!!

also- 2k reads... WHAT THE FU-

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