the puppeteer (8)

485 18 1

TW: fighting
Wilbur pov

"Everyone welcome to the arena THE PUPPETEER!!" Dream emerged from one of the side doors leading into the battle arena. He was wearing his iconic smiley mask with a green vest. He looked to be carrying a sword, axe, crossbow and a fishing rod? 'why would he need a fishing rod?' The crowd started screaming and cheering as he stepped into the spotlight. I just sat there dumbfounded 'how long has he been doing this? does Puffy know?' He glanced at me i just smiled back.

"and today his opponent will be non other than the notorious BLOOD GOD" The same man Dream as talking to earlier emerges from the other side of where Dream was. Something about him was strange it was almost the same feeling from when you see someone you haven't seen in years. I watch them very closely as the announcer starts counting down.

"i wanna see a fair fight if anyone gets injured there is Sapnap over there that can help you" He gestures towards us Sapnap just waves back "Alright EVERYONE READY" He screams making the audience extremely hyper.





Dream is the first to make a move swinging his fishing rod pulling Techno towards him.

'ah so that's what it's for'

Dream managed to land a few hits with his axe before being swept of his feet by technos sword. He got back up only to be knocked down again and a sword held against his throat. It was taking a lot of restraint to not go rushing in to help Dream but i knew i couldn't do that. Just as soon as it started the battle ended with techno winning. Although techno is royalty he definitely knows how to fight surprisingly.

"guys you both did great!! that fishing rod was clutch" Sapnap said grabbing a few bandages from the first aid kit.

Techno chuckled "Yeah it was, i don't think i have introduced myself yet" He turned to my holding his hand out. I proceed to shake it "Technoblade"

"Wilbur" I smile at him

Techno pov


no it's not

hehe we beat Dream little green bit-





I look back at Sapnap busy patching up Dreams arm from when i slashed it with my sword.

"i can take care of those if you want since it looks like Sapnap a bit busy?" I turn back to see Wilbur smiling softly at me like the ones Phil use to do.

"oh uh sure"


omg technosoft



As i'm sitting there while Wilbur is carefully wrapping my arms in bandages i decide to ask a few questions.

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