Reprehensible Sin

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More offended than ever,"Don't you dare compare yourself to my mother",you hissed.

"Ain't it a shame?",she giggled out of nowhere,"That you sound nothing like your mom!!"

You grit your teeth hard and curled your hands into a fist to stop yourself from going violent against her. After all,with the unfamiliarity arising from within,the boundaries and limits of violence you've uphold may be pushed back to a great extend. So,messing with you right now was not a very healthy option.

"What? You aren't gonna hit me?", Eri kept provoking you,"That's what you always do,right?  Beating up others for fun. Why not now?"

Dizziness began to knock over you like a wave all of a sudden and you tried hard to maintain your composure. Your vision becomes doubled and you feel yourself lifted off the ground into the air. You feel no weight on yourself and you began to feel restless.

"To lessen complications,i smiled..",she took a step closer..

"..and smile..", another step..

"..and kept on smiling..",she grabbed you by your shoulders and swayed you back and forth,"Why are you being so ignorant?!! Why are you so self-centered that you had to ruin everyone's life?!"

You.. ruined... everyone's life??

"Don't touch me!!!",you yelled pushing her hand off your shoulders and strayed back as far as possible from her,until your back hits the wall behind you.

"You left Mitsuya in a tormenting state..",tears began to well up in her eyes again which you can only barely notice..

"He blamed himself for the reason you leave!! He had to watch your mom suffer from loneliness in silence,knowing that his rejection was what made you leave!! That very thought kept haunting him!! You can just disappear in silence...but why did you choose to ruin everything and leave?!! Mitsuya.. Your mom.."

You digged your nails into your palm when you feel yourself shivering from within. It was not because of Eri,nor is it because of the weather. You were out of place and your thoughts were mingled up to even comprehend what's going on. In other words,your body couldn't handle the new sensation of having to tolerate the insane amount of pills you've consumed all of a sudden.

"Stop nagging like an old woman!!",you reached out to the empty glass bottle on the ground near the trash bin and harshly busted it against the wall. Your last string of patience finally snapped. Holding the sharp ends of the broken bottle towards Eri,you stumbled back again,"I've had enough of it!! I'll kill you if you don't shut that annoying mouth of yours!!"

"See..",she scoffed,"Now you sound like the real you.."

You struggled to even hold the broken bottle steadily as your hands kept shivering due to the stimulus inside your body.

"You know..", Eri took another step towards you despite your threatening words,"I don't mind if you go on and kill me. Because,only then, Mitsuya will hate you enough to erase you from his mind"

You steadied yourself by leaning on the wall behind you as you fixed your bitter glare on her. Your last piece of conscience was hanging onto the earnest promise you made to your mom. Yet,the voices inside your head was saying otherwise.

"Go on!! Kill me!!",Eri yelled in the midst of your dilemma,making steady steps until she is at your reach.

Grabbing your wrist holding the wrecked bottle, she brought it close to herself,"You've always hated me, don't you? So do it!!"

'....even if you run out of options..killing is out of the question'

'Even if you have 10 chances to kill someone, forgive them 11 times'

"Stop it!!! Don't push me to-"

Blood splattered across your face along with a scream the moment you snatched the bottle away...

...she was holding it too close...

Her form collapsed before you,with her face towards the ground.

Soon,you felt blood from the bottle trickle down your arms as well.

"..Eri?..",you softly called out as you gently rolled her around to check after her.

You instantly covered your mouth to stop yourself from screaming.

Her face...half of her face...was widely scratched open with the sharp bits of the glass bottle!!

Quickly discarding the bottle away,you struggled to crawl into a corner, afraid that the poeple passing by the streets will notice it.

Your hands began to tremble more than before and your heart was beating up to your neck as if it was gonna explode any moment.

Fear completely envelope you and you've lost all your senses. Only the reprehensible sin you've committed, though unintentional,filled up your thoughts.

Did you kill her??

If Eri dies...

... you'll break your promise and..

...your mom...

... Mitsuya...

.....they will all hate you now!!!

What should you do??!!

'So you won't leave me even if i kill someone?'

'I can never leave you or hate you..'

Just in time, Ran's words from that one night rang through your mind.


Without thinking twice,you went through your pocket to grab your phone.

You couldn't even hold the phone properly against your ear while you called him as your hands trembled in fear.

"Yes,baby~ You done?",his voice finally rang through the phone after what felt like forever.

".. Ran...",you can only meekly call out..

"...I think i might've killed someone.."

Looks like we're gonna suffer for a while👀
Bear with me tho😩🙏
Vote reminder ✌️

(Also,a lot of you guys decided to follow my account and I'm more than pleased to have seen that you've taken a liking to my work.
I bid thanks for all the follows🙇😚
If you hadn't followed yet, I suggest you do so in order to see my upcoming works🥺✊)

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt