Reprehensible Sin

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-minor violence alert







"You always appear at shitty times. You really are a nightmare. Aren't you?",you scoffed, turning around as you faced the girl you desperately hated,"Akiyama Eri.."

"That is not a very nice thing to say but I'm glad you remembered my name..",she slightly stretched her lips to form a soft smile.

So she still keeps that annoying smile..

"I told you to never appear within my line of sight again, didn't i?",you slowly rose up from the ground,"I also wished you happiness with Mitsuya. It fortunately didn't work or something??",you giggled to mock her purposely.

The soft smile plastered on her face suddenly disappeared at the mention of the man you once adored wholly,"If only you had wished him the same happiness you wish to me"

"Huh?",you scowled,lost at the clue she was giving.

"I don't know what you said to Mitsuya the last time you met",her eyes met yours,"But I'm sure as hell that it is the reason why he suddenly had a change of heart"

What did you say to Mitsuya? Last time you met was the night he tried to stop you. You did say a few harsh things but at the moment,you were far gone from reality to trace back every detail. The serenity that comes along with the drug slowly kicked in,taking complete control of your mind and body. Yet,this time,the familiarity of the feeling was a bit unfamiliar..

"Whatever i may have said",you put a smug grin as you stared at her,"I'm glad Mitsuya took them to the heart.."

Her darkened expression still remained fixed on you,and it seemed as if it was getting bitter and bitter every time you spoke,"I was wrong to have thought we could ever get along.."

Something about the harsh way she spit her words somehow triggered your nerves. You yourself was extremely thin on patience after just done arguing with your mom and due to the new sensation of the extra pills you took minutes ago. Anyone could tell how bad the conversation will end if neither of you decide to lay low.

"Well at least now you know!",you merely shrugged off her regret and leaned on the wall beside you, folding your arms as you interrogated her,"So,what did Mitsuya say to you after that night?"

"He said he decided to keep our growing relationship on hold"

" has he not confessed to you or something?"

"He was about to. He would have by now. If i had stopped him the night he came to stop you"

"So,you didn't stop him!! And it isn't my fault, is it?"

You watched a tear fell from her eyes which trickle down to her cheeks. However, she quickly wiped it away. You thought of putting the conversation to an end by walking away, until she opened her mouth again..

"You know what Mitsuya had always liked about me?"

"Oi, I don't ask you about tha-"

"It's this smile that you find so annoying!!",Eri stretched her lips into a quick smile again,"This!!"

"You know why?",she continued despite your visibly annoyed expression,"It's because he is reminded of your mother,whose smile always comforted him"

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora