Hiroshi's story start

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I love my dad's, they're my family and they're the best, they take good care of me and Yuma and loves us a lot and loves each other a lot. I love them, but me and Yuma's being teased for having two dads, calling us dirty and 'Omegas' which I don't really understand what that word means but apparently it's not a good thing.
I really don't want to tell dad about it cause I'm scared he'll have me and believe what they're saying, that I'm a dirty 'omega', I feel like I've heard it somewhere before, the word 'omega' I mean, but I can't remember where.

I wish people would just shut up sometimes, they make me so mad when they're bullying Yuma that I keep ending up in trouble for fighting which then makes my dad's have to come into school and have meeting with my teachers, then makes us have talks to figure out why I was so angry which is annoying.

Sho, one of my dads, isn't as scary to approach about these things as To, he's very easy going and very affectionate towards us all, especially dad.
Apparently they've liked each other since secondary school and then when they were in college they started going out, like so called 'high school sweethearts' which sounds nice, I'd like to have a special person who's with me throughout secondary school and college but I'm currently in my last year in primary school and have no friends so far so it seems unlikely I'll make any friends in secondary.

I can't wait to get away from the idiots at this school but I'm also scared Yuma will have no one to protect her when I'm gone.

It's fate - Kagehina Omegaverseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें