The Hunt

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The streets of France...

It was a night like any other though hardly a peaceful one. The moon shown down on the empty streets, and the cool crisp air blew gently. A pair stood in the alley holding their breaths and listening hard. Beneath her hood Lecura wanted to roll her eyes, Wesley was fidgeting again with excitement and an inability to hold still. Again she reached up and gripped his shoulder to force him still, and again the young man froze. Wesley was a thin wiry young man with black curly hair, and their newest recruit eager to prove himself, but her uncle was certain he would get used to the life. Hopefully her uncle was right or the kid would not last long in this line of work. Again the silence stretched before them and the minutes ticked by, then the low animal like growl. Even before hearing Rorke yell out, Lecura was running forward with Wesley not far behind. "Lec one is heading your way!"

Rushing to the end of the alley, Lecura kicked over a stack of crates that their quarry ran into. Then pulled a blade as she moved to attack the vampire that now hissed at her baring it's fangs. The vampire leapt to it's feet and rushed at her outraged that she had prevented it's escape.

"Lecura!" Wesley yelled as she was pushed back against the wall of one of the buildings, but before he could react the creature gave a gurgled cry then burst to dust.

"No gawking kid!" Lecura berated as she turned towards the rest of their crew, the trap had been sprung. Moving towards the group fighting even more vampires, Lecura gripped her blades before dashing forward to join the fray. Amidst the fight Morris, a heavier set older guy with short grey hair and an attitude problem; was barely keeping a female from biting into him.

"Get this bitch off of me!" He yelled, however Lecura merely stabbed her from behind turning her into a cloud of dust. Coughing and now covered in dust Morris yelled. "I said get her off, not dust her!"

"You are welcome!" Lecura replied not bothering to give him a backwards glance. Fighting her way to Thrask, a younger man with dark brown shoulder length hair and goatee; the man had just knocked another vampire to the ground and stabbed him before facing her. "Did you signal him?"

"Doing that now." Thrask answered as he pulled a pistol and shot it into the air. Then they resumed fighting their foes and paying little attention as the last of their group joined the battle. Of course Lecura always seemed to know just when Abraham would join the fight for it felt like the tide had changed and she felt a boast in strength and confidence. She was unsure if others viewed it like that, but for her she just knew they would win when they fought by his side. Moving to avoid a slash by another vampire Lecura sidestepped then delivered a lethal blow to the creature. While vampires were stronger and could be equally fast, they were not a blur of speed, or impossible to kill. After all she had been killing them most of her life.

Before they knew it the group was dwindling down since most in their group were well trained and skilled fighters. It was only Wesley that seemed to have problems as he was on the ground trying to keep a vampire from biting him. Lecura moved to help him since she drew the short stick and was on safeguarding the new recruit duty. However she barely took a step when the vampire was dusted and Wesley sat up coughing and covered in vampire holding a blade. "Heh looks like there is a fighter in him after all." Cordric a slightly older man with shoulder length brown hair spoke up getting the others to laugh.

"Anyone bitten?" Everyone turned to face their leader who was doing a head count. Abraham Van Helsing or Uncle Abe was what Lecura called him was older but at times he hardly looked very old, he had shoulder length dark hair with a few grey streaks, wore a long trench coat and hat and loved his crossbow 'Mina'. "Nope, though Morris and the virgin are covered in dust." Lecura answered

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