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"Hurry up! The train's coming in exactly sixteen minutes!" yelled Annick, standing at the doorway. "Oh

for God's sake Eiran! We're going to the railway station, not the goddamn Met Gala!"

"Alright mom!" mumbled Eiran, snorting.

"I heard that!" snapped Annick. "Where's Coty?"

"He went to get something. I dunno what."


"Ugh! For god's sake, stoop howling like a banshee Annick!" groaned Coty, appearing from his room.

"What's the hurry? We can make it in-"

"It doesn't matter!" cut in Annick exasperatedly. "If we're even a few seconds late, you know how he'll

start lecturing us about the importance of being on time and all. I for one, am not at all keen on been

lectured at 7:30 in the morning!"

"Oh...I guess you're right." Nodded Coty, turning to Eiran. "Hurry up bro. Believe me you definitely do

not want to get him started."

"Ok, I'm done." Said Eiran, tying his shoelace.

They took the elevator to the parking lot, and got into Annick's blue cabriolet. He drove, while Coty and

Eiran scrolled through their phones, and jazz music played in the background. He worriedly glanced at

the time; ten minutes left. They could make it in time. He honestly couldn't care less about being late,

but since he'd stayed up late, working on their music tracks, he was a bit tired, and did not want to listen

to Cax drone on and on about the importance of punctuality. Annick almost always was a punctual

person, so it would just be annoying to hear someone lecture him on a principle he almost always kept to.

"Who's Amora Williams?" Asked Eiran, looking up from his phone.

"Amora?" frowned Annick, honking at the slow driver in front of them. "Who's that?"

"Oh Annick! Don't you remember Mori? She works at Lytton's dance club with me. We even went to get coffee with her, last month"

"Ah! I remember her. Why'd you ask, Eiran?"

"She has sent her best wishes to our Instagram account." Replied Eiran.

"Looks like the news about the show is spreading fast. That's good." Said Coty.

"Wait as sec! Mori is Asian, right?" cried Annick.

"Yeah, why?" asked Coty, cocking his eyebrow questioningly.

"Which part of Asia is she from?"

"Um, I think she's from South East Asia or somewhere. I'm not sure, I remember like she was from an

island close to the Philippines. Why do you ask?"

"Wouldn't she know about a nice place in that area?" asked Annick, excitedly. "Somewhere there are less


"For a second, I was really confused why you were so interested in her whereabouts, but yeah she might."

Agreed Coty, nodding thoughtfully. "Wait, I'll ask her and see. I'm not sure exactly where she lived."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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