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Curtains splattered with blood
Those are your clothes now
And mine

We take off the clothes
There's another layer of blood splattered
We cut up the next shroud
The stains follow underneath
How deep does blood soak?

We run, run, run
Douse the clothes in dreams
Burn up in smokey future
Bodies curtained in blood
Farther you go
Farther you find them underneath
We tie the garments to hope
Anchor makes sure they drown

There's blood on our hands
It's not ours
It's ours
It's common
Except not of the one we want
It makes us disgusted
Of our hearts pumping blood
We pull the next layer off
Like red glue stuck to our souls
Stomp on the rags in frustration
Eyes sting from tears
There's the layer
Still the layer
Or is it our own skin?

Are we a blood curtain?
Are we manufacturing our stains?
Are they unreal?
Hide. Hide. Hide.

We put on a layer of dust
Humility might help
We are soil,
And the soil is red
There's no escape

The nightmares are red
Intrusive flashes red
We put on masks
Masks drip red
Blood rolls
Like lizards crawling on the edge of our existence

It clings like paralysis to sleep
Like pus to infection
Like sarcasm to despair
We keep breathing and thinking
This isn't our colour
But you forget
And I forget
What did we look like before?

Eyes are red
We didn't exist before this
But it surely can't be our skin?
You pray, I scream
We grow with shackles in our ankles
The marks follow
We're wearing curtains of red and
Even after layering it a thousand times
We know
We know every second.

Self-acceptance, what does it mean?
What of us who never had a self?
Of us, who forgot
Didn't exist before the curtains
What of us?

We forever push back
Push away while clinging and crying inside
Who bloodied the curtains
We know and it doesn't matter
Because we wear the curtains and not them
So, red, red, red
So red, red, red

With a thousand gasps we wake up
Every morning.

- Ishura

- Ishura

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