Parental Meeting ❀ Bennett

Start from the beginning

"Hey, kid," [Father's name] smiled, ruffling your hair.

"Hey, Dad," you rolled your eyes playfully, slapping his hand away.

Bennett was tapping his right index finger onto the back of his left hand, trying to calm his nerves. You noticed his fidgeting and took his hand into your own, giving him a small grin.

"You both are so cute together!" M/n gushed.

You almost forgot your parents were there.

"Can we just sit down and have dinner, please?" You requested, your face flushing red.

"Yeah," F/n nodded.

You all headed into the dining room and sat down, with you beside Bennett on the side and your parents on each end of the long table. The anxious wreck of a boy squeezed your hand and you glanced into his emerald eyes. You gave him a reassuring nod and turned to look back at your mother, who you suspected was going to start asking questions. 

"So, since Y/n has pretty much refused to tell me anything about your relationship," M/n said, clapping her hands together. "Let's start from the beginning! Where did you two meet?"

You sighed and began taking some of the food displayed on the table and putting it on your plate. Bennett hesitantly followed your actions, taking them as a sign that it was okay to start eating. As he did so, he answered.

"O-Oh! We met in our school's travel club!"

"Really? You're into traveling as well, Bennett?" F/n asked.

"Yeah, it's always been a dream of mine to go out and see the world!" He grinned. He did have a few more things to say about it, but he didn't want to feel like he was overstepping so he kept quiet after that.

You, knowing him, encouraged him to continue, "You can speak your full mind, y'know. It's fine."

"Ah- Are you sure? I don't want to take up too much time..." He mumbled.

"I'm sure, Bennett."

"Well now I'm interested in what else you have to say," F/n chuckled.

"Me too," M/n smiled.

"Well, I was just going to say... I think one of the reasons I'm so fond of Y/n is because they share the same interest in traveling," he scratched the back of his neck, looking down with embarrassment.

"Aww!" M/n giggled.

"Do you plan on traveling together?" F/n questioned.

"Well yeah, unless he's changed his mind," you said before taking a few bites of your food.

"Why would I change my mind?" Bennett defended hastily, seeming genuinely offended by the accusation.

You laughed, "I'm kidding, Bennett."

"O-Oh," he stammered sheepishly. "Sorry."

You poked his cheek and beamed, "Don't worry about it!"

"So, tell us about yourself, Bennett," M/n suggested.

"Okay, uh... Well... I have a lot of bad luck," he felt it best to start with the hardest part.

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" F/n quirked his eyebrow.

You gazed at Bennett with concern, knowing that he must've been nervous. You took his hand again and he took a deep breath. He really hoped his bad luck wouldn't scare your parents into forcing you apart from him. He didn't want to lie, though, since that would definitely bite him later on. It was also just wrong to hide the truth.

"It's an every day thing for me. For example, whenever I go shopping, I can never find what I need, and even when I try really hard at cooking, it pretty much always ends up terrible. Getting struck by lightning is a regular thing, too, and-"

"Wait, wait. Struck by lightning?!" M/n exclaimed.


"Oh my gosh, how are you alive?!"

"Not sure," he shrugged. "Maybe that's the lucky part. Aside from meeting Y/n."

"You really care about them, hm?" F/n said.

"Of course!" A radiant grin appeared on his face. "I'm not sure what I would've done if I didn't meet them. They keep me going every day."

"So sweet..." M/n whispered, tears spilling from her eyes. "Get married already, my heart can't take it!"

"Huh!?" You and Bennett yelp in unison.

"I can't say I fully agree yet, since I don't know much about your relationship, but you do look nice together," F/n stated.

"M-Marriage..." You muttered, your face flaring up completely at the idea.

"I think it sounds nice," Bennett said, gazing at you with a slight blush on his face.

"I-It does, but we're only in highschool, it's a little early to think about that-"

"Well, you can always start planning now!"


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