𝟔.𝟔 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

Start from the beginning

"As soon as Hayden's out, Jules, Scott, and Liam, you guys close the gates. And then I'll put down a barrier of Mountain Ash." Mason says as he grabs the jar of mountain ash from a nearby table. "I'll be on the roof to take down the rod." Corey tells them.
"We'll be on the lookout for any other Ghost Riders." Mason finishes proudly.

"What do you think?" Liam asks turning to Scott for his approval. "I think it's the best idea that we have right now." Scott answers him making Liam smile.
"As long as everything goes perfectly and he doesn't escape and kill us all." Theo interjects. "And your transformer works and the whole place doesn't catch on fire." Hayden says in a mono tone. "And there isn't a catastrophic solar flare." Mason adds. Scott looks at the group one last time before smiling proudly.

"Let's do it."


The lightning came faster then the group had anticipated. The room glowed bright as the Ghost Rider appeared and Hayden stood in front of him. She ran inside the trap and the Ghost Rider quickly followed. Liam grabbed Hayden as quickly as he could and Jules and Scott tried closing the gate until it got stuck. Theo attempted to help with all the strength he could muster but ended up getting his arm stuck between the gate. He grunted in pain as Scott continued to close the gate while Jules pulled Theo's arm out.

"Come on!" Scott grunts out. "Keep closing it." Theo says groaning as Scott finally gets the gate closed. "It worked!" Scott gasped out. "We did it." Liam says proudly. "Yeah, we did." Scott reassures. "Now, what do we do?" Theo asks as they stare at the trapped Ghost Rider. "Try and talk to him." Scott suggests.

"Mr. Ghost Rider?" Liam says innocently as he clears his throat. "Mr. Rider? We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back." Liam says to it. "You're kidding me right?" Jules says making Liam glare playfully at her. "Everyone. We want everyone back." Scott adds on. "Tell us how to get 'em all back." Jules adds as the Ghost Rider turn it's head toward her and tilt it to the side making her squint. "This is the plan?" Theo scoffs. "There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan." Liam whispers.

"It's okay. Look, we got him trapped. He can't get out. We just have to figure out how to communicate with him." Scott says to the group. "Maybe he can't hear us." Scott adds. "Maybe he speaks an ancient language." Liam questions. "Maybe he only responds to pain." Theo adds.

"Or fear."

"Nothing's gonna scare this thing. Look at him. He's a walking corpse." Theo says rolling his eyes at Liam's suggestion. "Something's wrong. Why'd he stop trying to get out?" Liam says as the Ghost Rider lets out a noise that was inaudible to all of them except Jules. "The Wild Hunt." It whispers out making Jules told her head. "Did he just call for backup?" Theo asks as he turns to look at Jules who was visibly disturbed. "You guys didn't understand that?" Jules asks the boys almost in a whisper making the boys look at her questioningly.

Seeing this Jules realizes something she had missed the night of the party. The Ghost Riders weren't afraid of Parrish. They were trying to speak to him. And seeing as the two were connected Jules immediately pulled out her phone calling him. "Who did you call?" Theo asks her. "Parrish I think he might be able to help." Jules answers him as she approaches the Ghost Rider before she's pulled back by Theo. "Careful! You'll break the mountain ash." He tells her as she pushes his arm off of her.

"Cadejo." The Ghost Rider whispers out. "Black Cadejo." It whispers again making Jules scrunch her eyebrows. Just then Parrish appears at the door—walking in to stand next to Jules. "You sure this will work?" Parrish asks her as she turns to look up at him. "Well we're connected right? I figured if both of us are here he'll talk to us." Jules explains to him. "What's he said so far?" Parrish questions her making her gulp. "He just said Cadejo." She says trying to steady her heart beat.

"Ask him how we get everyone back." Liam interrupts the two making them turn to him. "Tell us how we get everyone back." Parrish asks him as The Ghost Rider lets out another noise. "What was that?" Liam asks the two. "Did he say something?" Scott asks as well. "He said "Hellhound." Parrish answers them. "Is that a good thing?" Theo asks as Parrish shrugs his shoulders.

"Ask him again." Scott tells them. "What do you want from us?" Parrish asks it as he lets out a noise again. "We are the Wild Hunt. We hunt forever. Those who hunt with us hunt forever." Jules says almost in a trance as she translates what the Ghost Rider said. "What does that mean?" Liam asks as Parrish continues to ask him question. "Tell us what you want." Parrish asks him. "We are the Wild Hunt. Those who hunt with us hunt forever." Jules says as the Ghost Rider was now speaking through her.

"That clarifies things." Theo says with an unamused tone. "What do we have to do to get everyone back?Do you want something from us?" Scott asks as Lima notices something. "Why's he looking at Scott?" Liam asks. "He figured out Scott's the Alpha." Theo answers him. "There must be something you want." Scott says to him. "There is only the Hunt. No one resists. No one escapes." Jules says with a devilish undertone.

"If they can't be bargained with, we're gonna have to fight 'em. I'm coming for my friends. I'm coming for everyone. I won't stop. I'll never stop until we get everyone back." Scott says to him as Jules comes back from her trance not even remembering what she said and immediately feeling like the energy was drained from her. The Ghost Rider says something in his rumbling language that no one seems to understand except Parrish, whose face goes blank as though he's in a trance just like Jules.

"Parrish? What's happening?" Liam asks as Parrish's hellfire envelops his body. "Scott..." Theo calls out uneasily. The Ghost Rider's voice continues to rumble what seem to be orders. Parrish's eyes are blazing their fiery orange-red color as he takes a deliberate step forward, resting his foot on the mountain ash barrier, which causes it to burst into blue flames as its mystical properties are burned away. "What is he doing?" Theo asks as Scott's eyes widen. "He's gonna set him free."

"Hey! Hey, Parrish! Parrish, stop!" Scott says trying to pull him back. "Yeah, we need to do something." Liam says as Scott feels burns envelop in his hands.
"Yeah...on three. One. Two. Three!" Scott and Liam use all of their super-strength to shove Parrish out of the shed before he can burn through the mountain ash barrier. The two take off when Parrish starts running away on foot, leaving Jules to recover in the shed along with Theo.

Theo turns his head to the side noticing another presence with them. "Have you been here the whole time?" Theo asks out loud making Jules look at him questioningly as Douglas steps out of the darkness. "How could I stay away?" Douglas says as his natural German accent peaks through. "Maybe you should tell them who you really are...Hauptmann." Theo says standing in front of Jules protectively without even realizing it.

However Douglas easily throws Theo back, grabbing Jules by the neck and placing her in front of the barrier. "Break the barrier." He says as she struggles against him. "Break the barrier, or I'll rip you in two." He says as Jules lets her heavenly fire envelop her only to then step in the mountain ash effectively breaking it as he throws her back—landing next to Theo. "It's been a long time." Douglas says as his eyes glow read and he takes a bite out of the Ghost Riders head. He then takes the something from the Ghost Rider leaving the two teens alone in the bunker.

Suddenly Hayden walks in with the rest of the group and seeing the absence of the Ghost Rider she grabs Theo by his shirt and lifts him up. "What did you do?" Hayden asks angrily as Scott makes his way to Jules helping her up as she leans against him. "It was Mr. Douglas. He ate his brain." Theo stutters out as Liam looks at the ground in disappointment. "Scott was right. I was wrong. I'm sending you back." Liam says as Jules objects. "Theo's not lying. It wasn't him." She says as Scott takes a look at the ghost rider.

"It wasn't his brain—Mr. Douglas ate his pineal gland." Scott tells them as Masons eyes widen. "It couldn't have been Theo. These murders have been going on for weeks." Mason says in defense as Liam realizes something was missing. "Guys...?" He calls out to the group making them turn to him.

"His whip is gone."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now