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1 day before the rise of Nemesis

Loryn POV

It was a beautiful morning. The air was crisp with a gental breeze. The sun was as beautiful as ever through the leaves on the tree where I lay in my hammock. It was a great way to start the day.

While Jess and I waited for Roy, I decided to take time for myself.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm 17 with very light creamy-white hair with streaks of gold and green eyes. I've been on my own since 10 and I live on top of one of the most deadly mountains in Japan, Mount Tsurugi. Obviously not the top of the peak though. That's too cold. On the far side of the mountain there's a massive ledge that's always green; except winter of course, and most importantly, the mountain's steep slope keeps people a good distance. The only company I really need and ever get is Roy and Jess. Otherwise, if I want to talk with you, I will find you.

Roy and Jess come from a small village close by. They are the only people who have managed to make it up the mountain alive. (Maybe I told them about the shortcuts avoiding the dangers.)

Jess and Roy are the only people I like having around. They're different from other people I've met. Jess goes with anything we do. Always optimistic and full of ideas.

Roy is Jess' childhood friend. He has a big heart but likes to think of himself as a man. All tough and mighty. But once you get to know him he's a softie and nice to have around.

Before you get on the wrong idea let me tell you about my house. I do not live in a shack with a peachtree and a rope tire swing! True I don't have electricity with telephone poles coming up the mountain like everyone else. It would kind of defeat the purpose of secretly living on the mountain. Also I don't think anyone could do it if they wanted to. It's not like I'd need that anyway. In the daytime there's plenty of light. At night I'm asleep so the moon's light is enough if I ever need to find anything. But for stuff I absolutely need power for like a fridge or freezer; I have some new type of wind mill prototypes. These prototypes are only 1/10th of a wind mills' original size but is still able to produce more than enough energy for the fridge and for my lab downstairs as well.

My house is well furnished as well. I have a kitchen the size you'd see in a typical suburban home. In fact the kitchen is the biggest room on the main floor.

Then I have my living space where people usually put their TV. For me I replaced it with a nice big window that views my gardens, and a fireplace for the colder seasons. There's two couches. One facing the fireplace and the other one on the left facing my desk that's right against the wall. My desk space has all my books and writing essentials.

In a small room behind the living area is my piano room. Here I keep my grand piano and all my musical things. When things are a little too quiet I'll play a piece or two.

The last room on the main floor besides the bathroom is my quarters. I don't need a big space so it's smaller than the other rooms. I have a twin mattress, a dresser, and a small closet.

Then, downstairs is where I have my lab as well as 2 guest bedrooms.

The guest bedrooms downstairs weren't originally in the plans. It was after Jess and Roy kept climbing the mountain, I had to make some accommodations so they weren't sleeping on my couches 24/7. Both of these guest rooms share the power that goes to my lab. So each room has a lamp and alarm clocks.

My lab is something unique. Obviously I live on such a dangerous site that I need to be prepared for anything. That's where my lab comes in. I have all the medical supplies needed for an emergency or situation that may occur. I also have a variety of pills and herbs on shelves and cabinets. I have some lab equipment and tools to study samples, viruses, and what not. I have many shelves and cabinets that outline the room. I have a sink, lights, a mini fridge, freezer, and a microwave. There is also a bathroom downstairs for convenience.

That is my home and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Grammer Updated: 12/19/21
Tweaked Update: 12/28/21

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