The Summer Season Blader

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3 days before the rise of Nemesis

Loryn POV

'It's been a little more than 2 weeks since I met with Dynamis. As soon as I got home I began keeping watch on the legendary bladers and what information I have on star fragments.'

"If my theory is correct, then the blader that will most likely transfer their power to Kenta will be another summer constellation bey like Kenta's Sagiterio.

Ryuga is the summer season blader. According to my books it doesn't say the four season bladers can't transfer their power to another bey of the same season. I've also been keeping an eye on the bladers like Dynamis asked and it appears Ryuga and Kenta are somewhat close to each other. I can't help but think it's a sign that Ryuga is the chosen one.

What do you think Jess?"

Jess, one of my good friends and select people I invite over has been sitting on the couch listening to my rambling.

"Well I can't say your wrong. It does seem to favor Ryuga as your 'chosen one,' but you have to remember Dynamis never said this is what will happen. This could all be just... cointsedental?"

I wind up all the sarcasm I find in myself. "Wow, congratulations Jess you managed to defeat my hours of studying and observing with a... 'coincidentally.' Nice to know I've got you behind my back."

Jess just smiles slyly. "Hey, no problem. I'm always here for you."

"Uh-huh. Right I'll try to remember that."

I fall onto the couch and let my body rest with a defeat. There's a good moment of silence before Jess speaks up.

"Do you think Nemesis will be revived Loryn?"

I take a second to really think about it.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. But it's like Dynamis said. It's the will of the heavens that will play out in the end.

Also, I think it's time we call Roy to get over here and start making a plan of action if we need to intervene."

"I call being home base in the operation!" Jess calls out.

"Wow hold up. First we don't know if it's going to be an operation. Second, if it is going to be one, I will be home base. It's my house after all."

'My house... here on the top of the mountains. What a great place call home.'

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