Chapter 19

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We gaze at the Italian Riviera. It is now afternoon, but it's still beautiful.

Rosa breaks the silence. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

I look up at her after spacing out on the Italian Riviera. "Oh, uh, yeah," I say, regaining consciousness.

"Are you OK?" Rosa asks.

"Just spaced out on its beauty. That's all," I reply.

"I understand," Rosa says.

She points at the water. "Somewhere down there in the deep blue sea is where I'm from," she says.

"Do you miss it down there?" I ask.

"I haven't thought much about it, to be honest," Rosa says. "I guess Portorosso really does have more to offer. You know?"

"It's really something special, isn't it?" I say, admiring the town near the Riviera.

Rosa grabs my hand. "Come on! I wanna show you something!"

"If this involves getting wet, then I don't want to get too wet," I say. "I mean, either way, I don't mind."

Rosa laughs. "We'll be getting wet alright," she says, tossing me diving gear. "You're gonna need this."

I take the diving gear and put it on over my clothes. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask.

"To meet my parents, duh!" Rosa exclaims. "Come on!"

"Shouldn't we be training?" I say. "All day all we've ever done is hang out. When are we gonna get down to business?"

Rosa laughs. "I'm a sea monster, Max. If Ieeded training for a swimming race, that would make me a roccia," she says.

I laugh. "I suppose you're right," I say.

Why am I laughing? Is Rosa really making me soft? No. I refuse to believe it. I deserve to be happy and with a girlfriend just the same as anybody else. Why is someone like me suddenly exempt from all that?

So we dive in on the count of three.




I hate to admit it, but this has got to be one of the best days of my life. If not the best. 

Days in Genova, Nights in PortorossoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang