Chapter 7

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June 1

The train stops at the station. I never understood why Luca would want to stay in the dorms provided when it isn't really required, but whatever floats his boat, I guess.

"Ciao, ragazzi! Long time no see!"  Luca says. "I mean, you see me at school, but otherwise, I'm not able to be around."

"Why would you even choose to live in a dorm anyway when you can clearly come home everyday and spend time with us or in your real room?" I ask.

Luca chuckles. "Same as always, aren't you Max?"

Giulia laughs.

"That's not funny and you know it," I say, crossing my arms.

"Oh, look. Maxine's getting furiosa," Giulia teases in a joking and affectionate way, but knows I don't take it that way.

"Giulia, you're gonna get it," I say. "And I'm dead serious. So you better stop."

I turn to Luca. "That means you too, Luca! Smettila!" I clap my hands together and they stop. Works like a charm.

"We better get to Portorosso because there's a fair going on and I really wanna go on all the cool rides," I say.

Giulia gives me a look that definitely means "Seriously, are you 10?"

I take offence to that, about to beat her up, but Luca intervenes.

"Max and Giulia, would you just stop messing with each other already? It's like you're siblings, but actually aren't," Luca says, trying to break everything up between the two of us.

"I like bickering and messing with people," I say.

"That's not good, Max!" Luca and Giulia say in unison, making me shrug.

I honestly could care less.

"Let's get to that fair. It's not gonna last very long," I say. "It'll be done in a week, so we better get going and live it up while we we can."

"Max is right," Giulia says.  I can tell that when she says that she is reluctant. "To Portorosso we go!"

"To have fun!" we all exclaim.

We all put our hands in and get going.

Days in Genova, Nights in PortorossoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora