Chapter 4

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This is it, I think to myself.

I smile as I walk through the beautiful city of Portorosso. It's actually quite beautiful in the night.

Although everyone is asleep, I see lights coming from every house and building in the area. There are some poeple still awake, though. They are either at the boat harbour dock or fishing in the sea. I think I overhear gossiping about sea monster sightings and how they would really look forward to capturing one someday. I walk along, scoffing. People here actually believe that stuff?

I figure they heard me because they look over in my direction. I gulp and get out of the area a soon as I can.

That is when I see a ruined tower. At the top sits a boy, probably unable to sleep. Probably not not my problem, but I go check on him anyway.

"Ciao," I say.

The boy turns around and looks at me.  "I've never seen you around these parts before---let alone the human town," he says. "What's your name?"

"Max Marcovaldo," I reply. "And you?"

"Alberto Scorfano," he says.

"Aren't you tired?" I ask Alberto.

"No, not really," Alberto says. "Where are you from?"

"Me?" I say. "Well, I'm from Genova. You know, the place with the train that takes you to school?"

"Yeah, I know," Alberto says solemnly. "It's still the school year, isn't it?"

"Yeah,"I say. "Why?"

"I come up here when I'm sad," Alberto tells me. "I live with Giulia's father. He practically adopted me as his son, although I'm not sure what it means to be adopted."

"You didn't answer my question," I say, impatiently placing my hands on my hips. "I'm going to sit here until you do so."

"You're related to Giulia, aren't you?"Alberto says. "The red hair, brown eyes. Do Ihave have another sister?"

"No," I say impatiently. "I'm her cousin. What did you think, idiota?"

"Hey, hey. I'll answer your question," Alberto says. "Just chill out."

I smile. Things are finally getting somewhere thanks to the bribing technique.

"It's just that... my boyfriend went off to school in Genova, and life has been hard ever since. I miss him, Max. And what's worse is that he's not gonna come back until this summer with your cousin," Alberto says. "Do you know what it feels like to be jealous because your bisexual boyfriend spends all of his time with his best friend?"

I didn't know what to say. I haven't ever found love before, so I have no idea how to respond. Sure, I feel bad for Alberto, but I just don't understand his situation.  Afraid to lose a friend that I just met, I decide to play it cool. "Uh, yeah. I've totally felt that way before...," I say, reassuring him. "I'm sorry he's been gone for so long and been hanging out with my cousin for so long as well. That must really hurt you."

"I've grown accustomed to it, honestly," Alberto says. "I mean, they're friends. I'm sure of that because Giulia told me herself that she's a lesbian when she found out I was gay for Luca."

I know that name. Heck, I even know that face. Who knew he was leaving his boyfriend behind?

"That's awful," I say.  "Say, what are all those papers and buste about?"

Alberto sighs, hugging his knees. Tears stream down his face.  

"Sorry," I say. "I shouldn't have asked."

"N-no, you're fine," Alberto says. "Since you're practically family now, I know I can trust you." He cries even more as he thinks about it, crying so hard it's turned into a sob.

"You don't have to tell me if you don’t want to," I say.  

"I'll tell you," Alberto says, sniffing. He wipes the tears with his arm, turning some of it to indigo scales.

 "Don't trouble yourself," I say. "I'll go now. My aunt is probably wondering where I am since it's 4:30 A.M."

"You're a good cousin, Max," Alberto says.

"I wouldn't say that," I say. "Once I get home, Mamma's gonna give me a beating no doubt."

"In that case, I'll tell you right now," Alberto says. "These are all the letters my boyfriend, Luca, sends me daily. They hit my heart hard, but let me know that he's doing well."

"Oh, and since you were open with me, it's time I tell you the truth," I say. "Ever since I was little, I've wanted to visit Portorosso. And, heh, I'm doing a brave thing by rebelling against my aunt by coming to Portorosso. And honestly, I don't regret it. Although I can't stay here, that is. Also, I have no idea how you actually feel. I made it all up so I wouldn't lose you as my first friend. I've never found love before---at least not yet."

"Grazie for everything, Max. And I could tell," he says. "Hopefully you find who you are and lover one day. Don't worry. He, she, or they won't disappoint you."

"Grazie, Berto," I say, hugging him. "I'll be back tomorrow night. I promise!"

"Ciao, Max!" Alberto calls, finally falling asleep after I leave.

Days in Genova, Nights in PortorossoWhere stories live. Discover now