Chapter Two

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TRIGGER WARNING: Swearing, Mentions of true crime (Jefferey Dahmer)

It had been about three hours since Eijirou and Katsuki had moved into the dorm. That was enough time, right? The redhead hoped so. He walked out into the living room, where the blonde was sitting on the couch watching TV. He had on a true crime documentary or something similar, from the looks of it.

Eijirou sat on the opposite end of the couch, watching the TV. He turned away and grimaced when they showed a body. "So, what exactly are you watching?" He asks, trying to keep his eyes away from the screen despite his curiosity. "A documentary about Jeffery Dahmer. Why do you care, Shitty Hair?"

Well ouch. That comment about his hair was not needed. "Oh. You mean the serial killer?" He asked, attempting to start a conversation with the cold blonde. It was more difficult than he had originally anticipated. "Yeah. The acid brain sex zombie cannibal guy." Katsuki said the a sneer.

"O-oh." Geez. Straightforward much? Eijirou grimaced again. This was going to be harder than he thought. He cleared his throat once he figured out what to say to Katsuki. "Do you like art?" He asked.

The blonde shrugged. "Depends. What kind of art?" The taller male hummed as he thought. "Painting?" Katsuki's crimson eyes slid over to look at Eijirou, making him feel scrutinized without a single word being said.

"Yeah, I guess. It's messy though. I prefer paper drawings or digital art." The redhead lit up a bit. "Oh! I do multiple different mediums. I mostly use digital, paper, or painting. I'm not that good with clay though." He admitted sheepishly.

Katsuki let out a small snort of... amusement? Distaste? It wasn't easy to tell. "I'm guessing your an art major?" He asked. Eijirou nodded. "Oh, what's your major, by the way?" He asked, genuinely interested. "Psychology. People are interesting." The redhead nodded.

"Do you have any friends here?" He asks the blonde, who had gone back to the TV. He looked over at him, annoyed. "One, do you ever shut up? And two, yes. What's it matter to you?" He asked, a sharp bite in his voice.

Eijirou smiled dorkily. "Not really. If you think I'm bad, you should meet my friend Denki. I swear he doesn't have an off switch. To answer your second question, I just was wondering if they would ever come over." Katsuki scoffed. "They'll probably barge their way in."

He crossed his arms, looking annoyed just thinking about his friends coming inside unannounced. "Well, my friends like to pop in too. Maybe your friends can meet mine!" Eijirou suggested excitedly. The blonde rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Now shut up, I'm trying to watch something."

The redhead nodded, getting up. He walked back into his room, picking up his phone.

Kiri: Hey guys!

Mina: Hey babes! What's your dormmate like?

Denki: Is he nice?

Kiri: Well, he isn't nice, but he's really pretty.

Mina: Ooooh~ Does our Kiribaby have a crussssh? ;)

Kiri: Shut up, Mina.

Denki: It's okay if you do, bro. We should meet him!

Mina: Yeah! We totally should!

Kiri: I don't know about that, guys. He doesn't seem to like people.

Sero: Are the dorks giving you an issue, Kiri?

Mina: Sero! Where have you been?! Kiri has a crush!

Kiri: No I don't, Mina!

Denki: Keep telling yourself that, big guy.

Sero: Guys, leave him alone and go back to worrying about your own stuff.

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