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Life starts early in the na'vi village. But there is always one na'vi up long before the rest of the clan even starts to stir. Today she was rushing around setting up the lessons for the dreamwalkers she is to teach. After setting up the lessons that she will teach them she went back to hometree and waited around for the avatars to awaken. She decided to go and see if they are by any chance awake, she just arrived as Norm woke up and got out of the hammock. She saw Jake's avatar body still laying limp in his hammock.

"He'll get in soon" he said to Y/N when he saw her standing and staring at him.

Almost on cue Jake woke up and got out of the hammock he was sleeping in. "come, you missed breakfast, you can get a fruit on the way" Y/N said and started walking while beconing for them to follow. They walked pasta tree with fruits hanging off of it and she grabbed two then threw it at the two males trailing behind her, they caught it and continued on their way.

"you're late" Neytiri said as the arrived in a clearing with pa'li roaming around in.

"this one was still out till just a few moments ago" Y/N said as she pointed to jake that had a confused look on his face.

The two Dreamwalkers looked around still listening to the covorsation between Y/N and Neytiri, they admired the beauty of pandora, its plants and the animals that they could see, they noted the pa'li walking around and grazing on what there was.

Jake looked at Norm in a questioning way letting him know that he should translate.

"so we'll be teaching you our ways, the things I don't teach you, Neytiri will teach you and other way around. I'll take jake for our language and riding Pa'li, then ill have Norm for Hunting and teaching about our forest. Hunting you will learn how to shoot a bow and track the animals, Language we will teach you how to speak like us, but Norm already knows Na'vi so you will have off then. We will teach you about forest, what is safe and what is not safe to eat,riding pa'li is obvious" Y/n explained to them.

"First lesson will be riding pa'li" Neytiri said "go get two" she continued and pointed to the grazing herd of pali.

They looked unsure at their teachers but they just nodded in the direction of the animals and they slowly walked up and attempted to catch their mounts.

"mine will win" Y/N stated as they walked away from them.

"No mine will" Neytiri shot at her.

"just look at him, he can't even walk properly, how will he succeed" Y/N said and Neytiri huffed in response.

Surely enough Norm did manage to catch his Pa'li first and Y/n cheered for him while he walked to her with the pa'li next to him. He had a smug grin on his face and bragged to Jake that he has succeeded before him. Norm took his pa'li to Y\N and they started their lesson. "So what is it" norm asked. "It is a pa'li. I thought we established that." She aid with a confused look on her face. "No I mean what is it gender." Norm elaborated. Y\N made a face of understanding and answered "This pa'li is male. His name is Yoa'davo. Many na'vi have tried to ride him but he only let a few get on. The most picky one you got here" Norm gave her a concerned look with worry evident in his eyes" It will be alright. If he did not accept you he would not let you catch him." She reassure him."OK. Please don't throw me off." He mumbles to the creature towering over him. The pa'li gives him a light smack over the head with it's tswin . Y\N gestures Norm to get onto it's back. He jumps just to hit the side of the pa'li. The force that hit it's side made it take one step in the opposite direction. He turned back towards her with an embarrassed grin. Her face had an expression that screamed "pathetic" at his poor attempt at mounting the horse like animal. "Again" she demanded with a stoic face. Norm tried a few more times with as little success as the first try. Y\N got a little fed up at the lesson going nowhere. She was a little jealous that Nyetiri has a her student already mounted an his pa'li. She looked back to Norm hanging on the side of the pa'li trying to get his leg to the pa'li's back, she decided to help him a little and forcefully pushed him up into a sitting position. It was a little more forceful than intended , unlike the patient and content pa'li her frustration clearly got the better of her ."Your attempt at mounting is pathetic. We will have to train mare and get some muscle on those stick arms and legs of yours." "Sorry" he mumles in response.

"Make tsahelu. The sacred bond." Norm makes tsahelu and the pa'li takes a step forwards ready for action. "Feel his strong legs. Every muscle. Considering you have none." She jokingly insult him. He was a little offended but seeing the smile on her face made him not take it to heart and laughed it off. " You must tell him what to do in here." She pointed to his head. "Remember to be very specific about what you want him to do. Now think 'walk forward, slowly.'. Got it?" Norm nods and tells the pa'li exactly what she instructed him to. It started to walk forwards making Norm smile in satisfaction.

Suddenly Jakes pa'li took off running and Jake slid off of it's back.

"oh shit" he exclaimed as he was flying through the air on his way to the hard ground. He landed with a thud and into a puddle of mud. He groaned as he stood up and took a while to register what just happened.

Y/N and Neytiri was laughing at the Dreamwalker as he attempted to clean himself but only smudged the mud, spreading it even further. Norm has stopped his pa'li and was staring at Jake in shock hoping the Avatar hasn't gotten hurt to bad.

Asif on cue Tsu'tey and some of his warriors came galloping into the open field where the training was taking place, he watched as Jake tried to clean himself and stopped next to Y/N and Neytiri.

Neytiri rolled her eyes before a remark could be made about her trainee failing at the first lesson and walked away to fetch his pa'li so that he can get back on again "You should go away. "Ttsu'tey says to the avatars. "Na you would miss us." Jake teases. "I knew you could speak English." He continuous . Nyetiri returns with the mare and hands her back to Jake. "These demons will learn nothing. A rock sees more." He insults them. Norm's smile is replaced by a scowl and Jake just looks on in confusion. Y\N walks up to Tsu'tey's pa'li placing a hand on his leg and says "They are not as bad as you think. These two are different from the ones that ruined everything. Just give them a chance, maybe you will end up liking them." "I will never like these creatures." He says and gallops off with the rest of the warriors .Y\N returnes to Norm and continue the lesson.

After a couple of hours their riding lessons ended and it was time for lunch. Norm's lesson wen fairly well and he ended up being able to do a forward gallop and seemed to be a natural. Jake on the other hand. Had a little more trouble. A few times he just barely managed to hang on. But after a wile he just started to get the hang of it and is now able to do a very slow trot. Norm won 'bragging rights' as they like to call it and couldn't shup up about being better than Jake at something. It would always end in bickering like an old married couple about who is better at more things than the other.

Y\N and Nyetiri would just look on with amused smiles and would chuckle at their ridiculous antics.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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