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After tracking Jake through the forest using the hunting skills she has learnt through her years leading up to now, she followed subtle sings that he left as he walked through the forest, it started getting dark and Norm, Jakes friend was walking behind her and continuously asking her questions about every second plant or animal they encountered, which was irritating her by this point. Every now and then he falls behind because he stopped to stare at a plant so she had to stop with him and usher him forwards. "Don't touch that" she said as he reached out to a plant that started to glow in the dark, she didn't want him to get sidetracked and lose him in the deadly forest. "Stupid sky people" she said in her native language.

" I can speak Na'vi you know" he said to her, she briefly stopped walking and then continued.

" impressive, quite good" she complimented him

"thank you" he said and his chest raised in pride as he got a compliment from a native. "your English is good too"

He once again got side tracked by the grass underneath his feat that lit up with each step he took. He stood still and lifted his one foot to see the glow fade before doing the same with his other foot. This time she stopped and turned around to see what had sidetracked him this time, she turned and saw the fascinated male, looking at him with a slight smile appearing on her lips. They heard a scream and whipped their heads towards the sound She stepped towards him and gently took his arm in her hand. "Come, we must find him" she led him away and toward the commotion.

Arriving at the scene they see a pack of nanatang surrounding Jake while one is on his chest snapping its jaws at his face. Y\N quickly takes the bow off her back and a arrow out of the quiver. "Stay here, don't move ,make no noise." Y\N says to Norm while nocking the arrow. She looks to him to see if he heard and he gave a curt nod to her to show he understand with his ears pulled back in fear for his friend. Coming out behind the tree they were hiding behind she jumps while letting out a war cry, she aims the arrow at the nanatang on Jake and releases it sending it flying through the air and hitting its target spot on.

The nanatang falls limp onto Jake . He throws it off of him and points his knife towards it with a confused look on his face. When he spots the arrow lodged deep into its flesh , he starts looking around frightened by the sudden appearance of an arrow. He spots Y\N swinging her bow with her tail swishing violently behind her. One lets out a whimper as it is struck in it's side, sending it toward the ground. One sneaks up from behind Jake and jumps but before it sinks its claws and teeth into his shoulder he is harshly pushed to the ground by a sudden weight . His eyes widen in shock seeing a beautiful native na'vi woman had pulled him to the ground. He stares at her crouched form pulling out a sharp knife and pointing it at one of the fearsome animals. It growls at the threat she is displaying but bakes off nevertheless.

She jumps up from her crouched position and jumps over him to smack one last nanatang with her bow. She hisses at them as they retreat back to the safety of the trees away from the na'vi woman. With no nanatangs in sight Y\N looks to the flaming stick Jake had lit to see in the dark she picks it up and throws it into a nearby body of water with a sigh of disbelief. Jake tried to protest and went to retrieve his stick.

she hears pained whimpers coming from somewhere behind her and she turns her head to identify the location. She saw the animal laying on the ground and slowly pulled her knife out, she kneeled next to it. She muttered something in Na'vi to the animal that Jake didn't understand. She pushed the knife into the dying animals heart and put an end to it's suffering.

"Come here Norm." she called to the tree line while sheathing her knife. Norm came out of his hiding spot with a nervous smile. He gained a new kind of respect for her because of the way she jumped in to save Jake with no hesitation whatsoever and chased all the nanatangs away. Jake gave him a confused look. ."Take your friend and get out of here" she says to Norm and starts walking off in the opposite direction they came searching for Jake. Jake gives Norm one final confused look and jogs to catch up to Y\N ."Jake come back we can't stay here." Norm shouts to him. His pleas falls on deaf ears as Jake continues to walk with the native and keeps asking her questions about what not . Norm heaves a sigh and runs to them to make sure Jake does not get killed.

"Look i know you probably don't understand this" "but thank you" she ignored him

"That was pretty impressive. I would've been screwed if you hadn't come along" he continued.

Hey, wait a second! Where are you going? Wait up! Just, hey slow down! I wanted to say thank you for killing those things"

She swiftly turns around and slaps the end of her bow to Jakes face, making him fall to the ground and the grass around him lit up ." Don't thank. You don't thank for this, this is sad, very sad only" she hisses.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. Whatever I did I'm sorry"

" All this is your fault, they did not need to die"

"My fault? Their the ones that attacked me how am i the bad guy?" Jake asked

"Your fault" Y/N pointed her bow at him "Your fault"

"Easy. easy" Jake said and lifted his hand in surrender.

"You're like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do" she said irritated at the guy and Norm snickered at the remark. She shot a glare at him which made him shut up.

Iif you love your little forest friends why didn't you just let them kill my ass" he asked

"Why save you"

"Yeah why save me" he repeated

"You have a strong heart, but stupid ignorant like a child" she replied and started walking away, Norm went to follow her but briefly stopped to help Jake up.

"Well if Im like a child, then maybe you should teach us" Jake yelled from the back.

Ssky people cannot learn, you do not see" she said.

"Well then teach us how to see" Norm spoke this time.

" No one can teach you how to see"

She continues walking and a seed from the sacred tree came up toJjake making him stop, as soon as the seed got close he slapped it away from him.

She took his hand to stop him and soon they covered his whole body.

"Come" she said and turned around, heading for Hometree.

While running over one of the thick branches the two dreamwalkers feet got tangled from a rope being thrown at them, they tumbled down the tree and hit the ground with a loud thump, she knew what has happened and who was most likely behind it so she sighed and jumped down to save the Avatars asses for a second time that day.

sky people cannot see Avatar x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant