"Finn. You don't want to marry me," she spoke, looking directly at the floppy-haired man.

"I don't?" he asked in confusion.

Clarke shook her head. "No, you don't. Not really."

"Why not?" he asked, clearly still confused.

"Because you deserve to marry someone who can give you their whole heart," she explained. "And I can't do that for you. The thing is, I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I don't think I ever got it back. I can't marry you Finn, because I gave my heart away more than fifteen years ago, even if I didn't realize it at the time." Her voice cracked as she finished speaking. "I'm so sorry, I can't marry you. And you shouldn't want to marry me."

"Wow," Finn shook his head. "So this is what it feels like." Clarke looked at him, confused. "I've never gotten my heart broken before. I've never not gotten what I wanted. This is a first for me." Around them, people looked at Finn incredulously. "It's a nice change of pace." At this, several people chuckled.

"That's it? You have GOT to be kidding me," a voice scoffed. Julia Collins stepped into the aisle and strutted her way towards Clarke, Finn following quickly behind her. She stopped when she reached the blonde, then turned towards her son, "You're just going to let this girl walk all over you like that?" She then turned to Clarke. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? I have never seen anyone more manipulative in my entire life, and I'm in politics! You stupid redneck whore!"

The words felt almost like a slap across Clarke's face, but she wasn't the one who felt the physical slap. That was Julia. As soon as the words 'redneck whore' were out of her mouth, Abby slapped her palm across Julia's cheek.

"No one talks to my baby like that!" she exclaimed, eliciting cheers from the audience and even a smile from Finn.

The rain started with a few small drops, but quickly turned into a pouring storm within a few seconds, as southern storms tend to start. Several people yelped and attempted to cover their heads, but Clarke simply tilted her head back and looked up at the sky and laughed.

Jake pulled Abby to his side and kissed her full on the mouth. Anya smiled a rare smile that no one was supposed to see, but when she glanced down the aisle, she saw a brunette looking at her with curious eyes. She raised her eyebrows at her, and Raven smirked in response.

As everyone started to run to find shelter, Clarke looked around and made an announcement to the crowd. "If you're friends of the bride, stick around! I'm gonna find me my wife!" This elicited more cheers and a sound of disgust that came from Julia's mouth, silenced with a glare from Abby.

On the other side of town, Lexa Woods was finishing putting the lightning rods in the ground, completely unaware of the fact that she was still a married woman.

Finally, the rods were all in the ground. Just in time too, as Lexa saw the first flash of lightning and heard the first roll of thunder. The lightning was still a few miles out, but with the wind, it would reach her beach in no time. With ten conductors in place, Lexa was sure she'd get at least one new glass piece, hopefully more.

In the meantime, however, she'd have to wait out the storm. The rain was now falling hard. She was just about to turn back to wait it out in her truck when she heard the wind howl in a way that sounded eerily like it was calling for her.


The sound of her name being called so clearly forced her to whip her head around. It wasn't the wind and she certainly hadn't imagined it. Clarke was running across the beach toward her, barefoot and clutching the side of her wedding dress as she struggled to make her way through the wind, rain and sand in the large gown. The dress was nothing like the simple one Clarke had worn on the day she had married Lexa, and while Lexa could tell the dress she currently wore was gorgeous, she still preferred the other, it had been more true to Clarke's personality at the time.

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