Clarke Blake or Clarke Griffin

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It was a crisp fall day, just a week after their two year wedding anniversary and Lexa was drunk before dinnertime even came.

"Jesus Lex, we're just having a night at home, do you really need to get trashed?" Clarke asked after Lexa started hiccuping as they at macaroni and cheese.

"I've only had a few beers is all," Lexa shrugged, her mouth full of the cheesy goodness.

"I just don't get why you need to get drunk almost every night of the week!"

"Well there's nothing else to do in this shitty town," Lexa explained. "I work a shitty ass job all day and maybe I just want to come home and have a few beers with my wife, is that really so hard to understand?"

"What's wrong with Polis?" Clarke asked, frustrated, always having loved the town she grew up in, even if it was a bit dull at times.

"Don't you want more?" Lexa practically pleaded. "I wanna see the northern lights with you. I wanna take a boat ride in Paris and ride one of those double decker buses in London with you. I want to drive down the coast of California and camp on the beach every night. I want to go to New York and see a Broadway show even though I hate musicals, just because I know you love them. I just want more!"

"Why does it matter to you so much?" Clarke asked, her voice laced with anger. "Why isn't Polis good enough for you? Why can't you be happy having me here, why do you need me in all those crazy places? Why can't you just be happy having a life here with me? You're starting to sound like my mother!"

"Don't you think we deserve better than this?" Lexa spoke, suddenly sounding more sober than she had all day.

There was a long pause before Clarke spoke again "Maybe we do."

Lexa ran her hands through her hair, her nervous tick. "I'm sorry Clarke," she apologized.

"I know," Clarke nodded.

"How's your dinner?" Lexa asked, having made the meal while fairly tipsy.

"Cheesy and delicious," Clarke grinned.

Lexa noticed a bit of cheese on Clarke's lower lip, so she tentatively reached out a finger and brushed it off.

"Thanks," Clarke spoke.

"Are you sure I'm enough for you?" Lexa asked. "Just me, in Polis?"

"I don't need to be anywhere else, because no matter where we are, you're the only thing I'll be looking at," Clarke answered honestly.

Lexa heart skipped a beat and she smiled a drunken grin that Clarke wiped off her face with a kiss.

As she was officially moving to Birmingham the next day, Lexa decided to meet up with Bellamy and go out on his ATVs with him, racing around for a bit. While Birmingham wasn't too far from Polis, Lexa knew that with her business, she'd been fairly busy in the upcoming months, and probably wouldn't have time to come back much.

Lexa pulled her car up to the Blake mansion, arriving at the front of the house, surprised to find an expensive looking sports car in front of it. While the Blake were the richest family in the county, they were old money, and practical with it. None of them drove fancy cars, opting instead for high quality trucks and pickups. For a moment, Lexa wondered if it was Clarke's rental, but then remembered Clarke's car being red whereas the car in front of the Blake's house was blue.

She parked her car and exited, walking up the front walk. The man turned around and Lexa immediately knew who he was. He was wearing a tailored suit, his brown hair floppy in a pretentious sort of way. He held himself like a politician. Lexa's guess was quickly proven correct as he extended his hand to her when she met him at the door.

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