5. Confrontation and Lies

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Third Person’s POV

Izuku sighed as he opened the locks to his store and walked in, dumping his bag on the counter. He was really sleepy and tired but he couldn’t just shut the cafe for a whole day! Dragging his feet through the rooms, he quickly pulled the blinds up and dusted the tables. Mei and Shinso would be arriving soon so that leaves him to prepping. He was too lazy to do anything at all but he had no choice. A few minutes later, Mei and Shinso walked in, looking tired as well. The former even had noticeable dark circles under her eyes.

Izuku: Didn’t sleep?

Mei (letting her arms dangle in protest): It was soooooooooo boring! But I had to finish it up or Power Loader Sensei would reduce my credit

Shinso: I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t? Because you happen to be his favourite student.

Izuku: Who tends to blow his lab up everytime she tries to make a baby

Mei: Gosh, that sounded so wrong. Anyway, you can’t deny that he enjoys blowing things up as well. I just happen to be a genius with the same madness.

Izuku (chuckling): Yeah, yeah but your madness is on a whole nother level! You might as well call yourself an asylum inmate!

Shinso snorted at the comment while the pinkette pouted. They soon got themselves engaged in their own work then had breakfast together.

Shinso (laughing): Wait wait! You mean to tell me that Endeavour was throwing a tantrum because he couldn’t catch you? Because that would’ve been so much fun to see.

Mei (giggling): That guy is annoying as heck! You were correct when you named “Flaming Trash Can”, Izu.

Izuku (shaking his head): Can’t believe that the No.1 and No.2 heroes are such idiots! I mean, can’t more people like Eraserhead be given a chance? Of course, he doesn’t want the spotlight but still… aghh it’s lame!

Mei (Munching on the almond cookies): I feel ya, brother. Even Power Loader is better than them.

Shinso: Speaking of whom, I overheard some of the 1-A kids at lunch. Apparently, Eraserhead did not attend homeroom yesterday.

Izuku frowned and sighed : Must be due to the injury. I bet Recovery Girl didn't let him out of bed.

Mei giggled and wiped her hands with a tissue: She sure is scary. I've seen literally every member of the staff cower under her gaze.

Shinso chuckled as well, twirling the chocolate chip on the plate littered with cookie crumbs: I was in the infirmary once actually. She's sweet but literally scarier than the devil. Kinda like Izu.

Izuku pouted and stood up to clean up the mess with the help of the other two. After that was done, they hugged the greenette before heading out. Mei and Shinso never stayed after the business hours started or before they ended because Izuku didn't want them to. In the unfortunate event that he gets caught, the two would be free of legal shit.

Izuku's POV

I sighed as my siblings left for school, leaving me to the cafe. The cats were fed and the first batch of cookies was ready. The other items were ready as well including the ingredients needed. I just have to wait for the first customer now.

5 minutes later, the doorbell chimed and in walked the person I would love to see everyday yet want to avoid at all costs… Aizawa Shouta. He looked tired as usual, even after hours of sleep! But what can I say, a few extra hours of forced sleep doesn't cure Insomnia. I mentally prepared myself not to look suspicious or let my fanboy personality show because that would make me suspicious.

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