Chapter 6: confession

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it's been a month since katzu went back to his time

izuku and katsuki slowly developed strong feelings for one another which leaded on ignoring eachother

izuku isn't clinging to katsuki anymore which made everyone shocked

whenever they will get an encounter both would blush and izuku would ran away

katsuki thought that izuku hated the fact that they are gonna be mates in the future

he didn't confront him because he was well shy

imagine the boy you thought you hated for years would be your crush and future mate

when katzu came he's only focused on him
he knew he was so soft to his future pup
but he doesn't care

ejiro: just talk to him bro!
denki: yeah bro!
katsuki: do you think its easy? i..
ejiro: your shy!
katsuki: how'd you-
ejiro: i can see it in your eyes
denki: we'll help you talk to him!
ejiro: yeah!

katsuki was about to leave when ejiro held his wrist

katsuki: hey what f*c*ing gives!
ejiro: your not going anywhere until you talk to midobro
katsuki: tsk
denki: how about write him a letter!
ejiro: manly idea kamibro!

ejiro gives katsuki the pen and paper

katsuki: i Ain't doing sh*t
ejiro: do you want midobro end up with todobro? i heard he likes him
katsuki: WTF?! ICY-HOT B*ST*RD!

katsuki was about to run when ejiro held his wrist again

ejiro: you just need to write a letter then drop it on his locker

katsuki was about to write but then he wants to talk to him in person

so he just wrote "meet me at the back of the school"

he immediately went to izuku's locker and dropped it inside

after hours of waiting izuku came

izuku: kacchan?

as katsuki heard his voice he turned around

izuku: are you the one who dropped that letter on my locker?
katsuki: i am.. tsk let's get straight to the point! i-i'm sorry!

izuku was shocked

katsuki saying sorry?!

izuku: who are you?! you ain't kacchan! kacchan doesn't say sorry!

katsuki pulled izuku's collar

izuku: 'my bad...this is kacchan'
katsuki: you d*mn nerd!
izuku: sorry kacchan! i thought you were-

before izuku can even finished, katsuki pulled him for a kiss, katsuki's hand from the collar slowly went to izuku's waist pulling him

izuku was shocked but slowly melted on the kiss
it was a slow passionate kiss

katsuki broke the kiss for air

katsuki: i love you so d*mn much!

izuku was shocked yet again

izuku: but i thought you hate me
katsuki: yeah..i thought so to..
izuku: do you really love love me?
izuku: then.. i love you too

katsuki stared at him

for katsuki he felt unbelievably happy and shocked

katsuki: really?

izuku cupped katsuki's cheek

izuku: yes really, i love you

katsuki hugged izuku tight

katsuki: can i?
izuku: can i what?
katsuki: can i mark you?
izuku: sure

izuku slowly unbuttoned his uniform

izuku: go on kacchan

without thinking twice katsuki bit on his shoulder and blo0d came down from his shoulder, izuku yelped in pain

katsuki: there now your fully mine
izuku: ow..

katsuki quickly cupped izuku's cheeks

katsuki: sorry..
izuku: t-that's alright..

katsuki kissed izuku again

izuku broke it this time and laid his forehead on katsuki

both of them are giggling

katsuki: 'i promised to take care of you this time.. i'll cherish you forever'

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