N°2 [ ... there's only one that I want.... ]

Depuis le début

*** ***

Nightmare tapped frantically on his desk, anxious and perplexed. It had been a few days since Nyx had given him some 'advice' but he still hadn't managed to put it into practice. Or rather, the few times he had tried had ended in disaster. The few times his arm had 'accidentally' brushed against Killer's arm, his subordinate had frozen for fear of being hit, upsetting the nightmare master to the core ... and forcing him to question himself completely.

He was impulsive, he was aware of it. He could be terribly violent and, unfortunately, it was often his henchmen who paid the price, even Killer. They were used to it and Nightmare had never cared about that before, but now... Now it pissed him off, it pissed him off to know that even the person he... he 'liked' was afraid of him.


He growled. Basically, it wasn't just Killer he had to calm down with, but all his subordinates. He didn't say it enough and would probably never admit it, but the bad guys had somehow become his new family.

He huffed and puffed, left his chair and walked out of the room into the kitchen... where he almost choked:

" NYX ?!"

Indeed the black-boned skeleton was sitting quietly at the kitchen table, drinking a carton of milk as if it were the most normal thing in the world. He took the time to finish his sip before putting the empty bottle back on the table and then gently wiping his mouth with a towel. Nightmare was perplexed: he had already noted that, although Nyx seemed ill-mannered, he nevertheless possessed gestures close to the aristocracy, which only added one more mystery to this unwanted guest.

"Good morning, Nightmare.

- There's no such thing as 'good morning'! Get out of here before someone sees you!

- But you've already seen me.

- You know exactly what I mean!"

Footsteps made him shut up and turn around. Someone was coming this way! Nightmare simply couldn't let anyone know that he would be harboring a manipulative complete stranger who was giving him 'advice' in flirting! So he turned back to Nyx, ready to give him his orders:


But Nyx was already gone. And yet Nightmare hadn't heard the slightest sound of teleportation. One more strange thing about his guest...

"Talking to yourself, boss?" Killer suddenly asked as he entered the room, glaring at his superior.

The master of the house used violence to maintain his self-control. Why, of all those present in the castle, was it his lover who was coming here at that very moment? He mentally insulted his damn karma and gave Killer a black look:

"No, I'm thinking out loud. Aren't you supposed to be on a mission?"

His henchman swallows:

"Um... Yeah, but I'm done. I just came by for a snack before... well..."

Nightmare frowned, suddenly quite suspicious. When Killer hesitated like this, it was because he was trying to hide something. And the keeper of negativity hated being kept from him.

"Before what?" he scolded as he approached.

Killer stepped back towards the counter, understanding his blunder and trying miserably to find a suitable lie. But few could fool Nightmare.

"Before... ...before I went out..."

He knocked on the drawers, hiccuping with fear, and his apprehension made him want to cower, to hide underground.

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