Chapter 3

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David's POV:

"Ou clickbait! Random girl breaks into Natalie's house! Ask her to come with" I end the call hoping Natalie brings this mystery girl with her since I havent seen or heard much about her. Only the fact that she drove here from canada and is now Nat's new roommate.

With it being posting day, I was stressed cause  I STILL didnt have enough footage after last night's party.

While thinking of ideas, to help I pur in the group chat that anyone free to come over in hopes for them to be down for whatever bit did come to mind, but without Zane and Heath here yet no one really was down to do some crazy bits. After what felt like an hour of bouncin ideas around, random little bits had been filmed but nothing over the top, so we began by scrolling through Tiktok.

On my for you page came a guy doing insane trick shots with a ping pong ball into a cup. I've seen this guys videos before, this particular one has 2.4 million likes and 1.3 million comments, at an instant I thought of getting him on the vlog for an intro clip so I messaged the guy to see if he was available for the vlog.

As if on cue Natalie burts into the door with chipotle. "Finally dude" I say while swinging my head back relieved to finally see her with my food. "I'm starving and been waiting forever for you to get here". I say while getting up from the cloud couch and grabbing my camera from the coffeetable table causing Erin, Suzy and Ilya to look up from there phones from their spot on the cloud couch to see who entered the house.

Seeing Natalies annoyed face I began to record "Sorry your majesty" Natalie replies while placing the bag onto the pool table. "I wanted to actually get to know my new roomate a little but nooooooooo" she says while waying her hands around like a little kid. "My idiot of a boss wanted me over right away to feed his dumb ass cause he cant cook to save his life". Her voice boomed with sarcasm while removing the buritos from the bag causing us both to laugh at her annoyance yet knowing she wasnt actually mad.

After turning off the camera and everyone else getting up from their spots on the couch, "Speaking of which, where is she?" Suzy asked while coming up behind me. "She wanted to get a shower and take a nap since she just drove 3 days to get here" Natalie replied causing everyone around to nod their head in understanding why her new roomate isnt here.

"Is she hot?" Ilya asked causing us all to laugh. "What! Guy's I wanna know if I have a chance!" He comments making us laugh more.

While putting my hand on his shoulder, "Ilya, no matter what. Even if she is hot or not, you still won't have a chance with Jeff and Todd around" I say while patting his shoulder and leaving the pool table to go grab my phone from the couch after hearing it chime. Causing everyone to laugh at Ilya's face suddenly dropping. "I got bbsdoingnothing coming over around 6 to film a bit so Nat I need you to clean" to which she nodded

"In the picture you showed us of her" Erin said as she got closer to Natalie "she looks so cute". "Yes!, she's actually soooooo much prettier in person too like and she's so freakin nice and sweet" Natalie responds.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Ilya says waving his hand manicly at Nat as he realizes what Erin just said "You have pictures of her and you didnt show me. You havent even told me her name! What's her name?" He says as though he just found out that someone had kept this big major secret from him. "Dave, have you seen her?" He asks coming over and patting my shoulder as I now sit on the clear table set eatting my burrito. "She probably didnt show you so you didnt jack off to the picture of her new roomate before meeting the girl." Causing Ilya to course in laugher "but honestly nah I havent."

"Her name is Lyla and she can totally be a model" Suzy says "I follow her on instagram and she's honestly so beautiful". "Oh common!" Ilya says as he raises his arms over his head and down again out of frustration. "Like please, just one photo".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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