Chapter 1

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Lyla's POV:

The fact I whole heartedly quit my job, booked a ticket and began packing to move to a new city, heck to even a new country is something that is breathtakingly insane for me to even think about doing yet here I am acting on it.

"How do I get myself into this mess" I mutter to myself as I pack up the last bit of my clothes into a big brown box labled Bedroom.

"The more important question is how do you get yourself out of it"

My Dad... also known as my absolute rock who I can depend on for anything. Who is currently leaned against the door way of my childhood bedroom, is watching from afar waiting for me to pack up my stuff into boxes for him to bring down to the car.

"My goodnes dad you just scared me half to death" I say as I clutch my hand to my chest facing him "and thanks as if im not worried enough as it is" turning away from him to continue to pack

"Relax L, I am only teasin" he says as he enters the room and rubs my shoulder "If I didn't torment you, you would think somethin is wrong" causing us both to laugh momentairly in order to lighten up the stress of the situation I have gotten myself into.

"So you do you have an apartment picked out our are you just gonna choose one there"

Being the only child, and only girl had made him very protective. Even over my every move growing up, making this spur of the moment decision drive him a little crazy on the inside.

"Yea, I already have one" I reply as I tape up the top of the box after putting in my last item of clothes I wanna bring with me after quickly grabbing it from the closet. "Its a room in a house that I have seen through facetime with this girl name Natalie." I say while handing him the final box to bring down to the car. "She just got a place on her own and Dad, I swear, I have never met someone in my whole life, that I have been more alike". I insit as we walk out from my bedroom hallway and through the house garage door to where my car is parked in the garage

"Thats good then pumpkin" he says as he lays the last box in my car in the only spot left in the back seat, almost like it was a perfect fit for the space that was left.

I shut the last door. And begin to walk back into my childhood home behind my dad.

It wasnt a big home, just one that was perfect for your average family. The 3 bedroom 1 bath home is one that I will always consider to be my true home. To the markings on the kitchen baseboard that show my height markings that go all the way up until I was 13 to the wooden coffee table in the living room that I had hit my head on and will forever have a scar on my hairline for. Since then I remained at the height of 5 ft 7, not much has changed since than, other than going through puberty. And unlike most teen-adults, at 21, and avoiding the weight scale and not ensuring I eat healthy as much as possible, the tall and fairly skinny genetics from my dad prevailed.

You may be asking yourself, what about your mom? Well... see... my mom actually is a flight attendant and is rarely home so I grew up with her not being around that often so I grew closer to my dad.

"So where is mom now?" I ask while going to the fridge and grabbing a can of mountain dew and cracking it open, using a silicone straw of course cause save the turtles

"Bejing, I think" he replies while sitting on one of the bar style stools for our kitchen island on the opposing side of the kitchen to where I was standing

With my dad being a house contractor and his business partner being the designer, our home was built with every detail and day-to-day functionality in mind.

"Wow. Tell her to get me a magnet" Causing my dad to look at me only with his eyes from his phone in his hands momentairly and say "Already told her your bringing your collection of world magnets with you so I told her a new one from there would make up for her missing this big change in your life"

Causing me to sniffle in a little laugh while sipping on my pop knowing for a fact that part of that isnt fully true since I know she would still be yelling at him through the phone if he did.

"I just honestly cant believe you and her are so cool with this" I say to my dad as I shift from leaning against the counter to leaning over the island facing him.

"We knew it would happen some day punky" he said pausing enough to turn off his phone and put it back in his pocket as I cringe at the childhood nickname. "We didnt know it would happen out of the blue but we knew it would happen. From the moment you were born, we knew that you would achieve great things. And as you got older, the more we realized that it wouldnt be here due to the limitations of small town minds"

He then slowly got up from the stool and came over to the opposing side of the kitchen island. "Now enough sappy talk, your car is full of gas right? And you have gas money for when you stop? What about snacks?"

"Yes dad" I begin to chuckle at his sudden anxiousness and rapid questions "I have everything I swear. Its gonna take around 40 hrs to get there so I am stopping into a motel along the way at a couple places and then I should get there around 12 or 1 on friday which would be around 3 to 4 ish here"

"Ok! Ok! You know I'm always gonna worry so dont hate the messenger" He says as he shurrenders with his arms to show defeat.

"I know" i say as i giggle lightly as I give him a side hug to which he returns by placing his arms around my shoulder, I guess being 6 ft 3 and your daugher being only 5ft 7 has it's perks. "I wouldnt have it any other way" I say looking at him as he leads us both into the living room.

After plopping down onto our sectional with my dad doing the same shortly after. "One last father daughter movie night for the road? I pick the movie while you order pizza?" I say as I take the remote in my hand and begin to flick from tv to the channel guide while looking at my dad with a pleading 'im leaving soon so you can't say no' look.

Which in actuality I have perfected in the 4 days I did spend packing and saying goodbye to family and friends.

"Anything for you punky" he said as he gets his phone out of his pocket and begins to dial the number to the little ceasears around the block

"Yea Tony, can I get my usual please....." and just like that watching my dad walk into another room while ordering our friday night usual which will probably be the last one for a while made me really, truly realize how much I'm gonna miss this.

The next chapter is gonna be her arriving to LA!

Just trying to provide more backstory to help you understand my current and future plans with this story 

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