"Awwww, how adorable," I said.

"And, this is Ojo." She showed me an orange stuffed bear with a blue nose.

"Awwwwww, so precious it is!"

Then, she showed me three blanketses. "My mom crocheted these for me. I called them sweater blankets, because they feel like sweaters."

I giggled. "You loves sweaterses, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah, a lot. It's a sensory thing. Part of Autism." She explainsed what Sensory Processing is, how her brain responds to sensory imputses differently. Some smells, tastes, textureses, sounds, and other sensory input is too much for her to handles. Therefore, it is considered negative sensory input, and can causes her to have meltdowns. Other forms of sensory input are very pleasurable for her. Positive sensory input that was, and sweaterses were her favorite sensory input.

"I really loved when you hugged me," she said. "I mean, besides the fact that your hugs made me feel safe and loved and cared about, your onesie is so soft and sweatery. I felt like I was getting a hug from a giant teddy bear."

I giggled.

"Like, you're so cuddly and sweet, and your soft onesie made you even more cuddly."

"Awwwwwww!" I cried.

Then, the poor thing's face turned beet red with utter embarrassment. "Sorry," she stammered, "that was inappropriate. Oh, my god, my social skills suck. Sorry."

She turned away, but I hugged her reassuringly. "It's alright, Precious. Sméagol understands."


"Oh, yes, very bad social skills I have, too."

"Oh, I didn't notice. Yours are a lot better than mine." She laughed awkwardly.

"Yours are alright with me. You can be yourself with Sméagol. Sméagol doesn't judge at all, no."

She smiled. "Thanks." She sighed with relief. "I really need someone I can be my messed-up self around."

I smiled warmly.

"By the way, I really love the way you talk. Like, how you said 'sweaterses' instead of 'sweaters,' and how you sometimes talk in third person. It's really cute and... kind of refreshing."

I beamed and blushed. "Awwwww, Sméagol so happy nice Máiréad likes the way he talks."

Máiréad giggled, making me giggles, too.

Just then, Aaliyah returned with an armful of refreshments. "Here you go, Máiréad. Doritos and Dr. Pepper and water for you." She handed everything to Máiréad one by one. "And, goldfish crackers and water for you, Sméagol." She handed me my snack and drink.

"Thank you," Máiréad said graciously.

"Yes, thank you, Precious," I added.

"Aww, you're welcome. Well, you guys have fun. I'm gonna go check on the bird, and head off to bed."

"Alright. Good night, Sweetie."

"Good night, Sméagol. Good night, Máiréad."

"G'night," said Máiréad.

We placed our unopened refreshments on the bed, and sat down next to one another.

"Are you and Aaliyah an item?" Máiréad asked.

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