Chapter 1

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"I'll be back for lunch, okay Sungchan? The little boy nods with a small pout and Taeyong ruffles his hair.

"You'll be okay, wake up Johnny if you need anything." He says with a giggle as he looks at the sleeping giant with Yizhou sleeping on top of him.

He waves to all the toddlers and walks out as Sungchan stares at the door.

'It's my first day and everyone's already staring at me.." Taeyong thinks to himself as he tries not to make eye contact with anyone. He sees Jaehyun and a small smile grows on his face as he walks up to the younger.

"Hey Jaehyun! Is there something wrong with me? Is my uniform okay?" Jaehyun looks him up and down trying hard not to think about how adorable the black haired male is.

"Yes, there is something wrong." Jaehyun says and Taeyong gives him a panicked look.

"Your hand." He says and Taeyong holds his hand up inspecting it. Jaehyun takes it in his and intertwines their fingers.

"It wasn't holding mine." Jaehyun says slyly making Taeyong blush furiously before pulling his hand back and smacking Jaehyun with it as the younger laughs.

"Besides that, why did you bring the kids here?" Taeyong turns around quickly to see the toddlers staring up at him.

"Kids! What are you doing here?!" Taeyong whisper shouts as he crouches down to talk to them.

"Sungchan wanted to go with you so we followed him!" Donghyuck shouts as Sungchan hugs Taeyong's waist making him sigh softly.

Come on Taeyong let's play!" Mark shouts.

"Shut up. You're making a scene." Jaehyun says to his younger brother who just huffs.

"Shut up stupid Jaehyun! I want to play with Taey-" Before he can finish his sentence Jaehyun smacks him in the back of the head making both him and Taeyong freeze.

"Jaehyun! You can't just hit him!" Taeyong says in a panic as Mark starts sobbing.

"Stupid big brother! I hate you! I hate y-" Mark sobs as he runs away, but not without crashing into someone.

"Who brought kids into our building?" The male says sternly as he glares down at all the kids.

'Scary.' They all think as they run to Taeyong for comfort.

"Taeyong save us from the scary man!" Yangyang sobs as he wraps his arm around Taeyong's legs, the others following after as he tries to calm them down.

"You shouldn't be so careless. Pay attention to what's going on around you. This is no place for play." He says scanning Taeyong and the rest of the kids who start shaking from fear.

"My mistake! Jaehyun help me round up all the kids." He says and Jaehyun nods as he starts to scoop the kids up and the two walk out of the building.

"Isn't that Kim Doyoung from class A?"

"Yeah, he's the top of our grade."

"Why does he have to be so cold and rude, doesn't he know what that kids been through?"

"What a prick."

Doyoung huffs as he walks away, acting like he doesn't care what they say.

As he walks down the hallway he bumps into a teacher carrying a stack of papers.

"Mrs. Jung?" He asks and she gives him a warm smile.

They were walking down the halls to her classroom, him carrying half the stack.

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