She wasn't that surprised when she got hit on the head and fell unconscious. Above her body, Linus stood holding a lamp and breathing deeply. It seemed that knocking Mabel out took a lot out of him. Dipper, Pacifica, and Gideon watched this all unfold with eyes wide. What the heck just happened?

Meanwhile, Kathy let out a shaky breath. She was less confident than she acted. When she got herself together she rushed to her friends, eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you alright?" She asked them all.

They couldn't quite form words so they simply nodded their heads with mouths agape.

"Good." She nodded, knowing what she had to do. Then she turned away from them and moved toward the closet. She pulled out her suitcase and when she set it on the bed she pulled out her clothes and began packing.

The trio stood there watching her before they finally got their voices back. Dipper spoke first.

"What just happened?" He said speaking for everyone in the room, other than Kathy and Linus.

Linus was the one who answered. "We've knocked your sister unconscious." He told him.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "I can see that. I mean why did you knock my sister unconscious?"

"It was a part of our escape plan," Linus said. "Kathy knew that it was only a matter of time before Mabel figured out what was going on. She also knew that Mabel would kill you all when she found out. So she devised a plan. When Mabel inevitably found out I would come out of the journal and knock her out. And to make sure she didn't immediately start killing, Kathy figured she had to distract her by talking about strange and confusing things. Which she did perfectly, I might add."

Kathy finished her packing, closed the suitcase shut, and looked up. "Thank you. I'd like to think that I did pretty well for someone who was having a panic attack."

"You couldn't even tell." Linus smiled proudly.

Kathy returned the smile. "Thank you. Your praise means the world."

Meanwhile, everyone else listened to this explanation and short conversation in disbelief. They could not believe what they were hearing.

"You mean that you had a plan to get us out of here, alive, and you just let us stand there scared out of our minds?" Pacifica asked furiously.

Kathy shook her head. "Of course not. Yes, I had a plan and yes we are still alive. However, I knew that it was not guaranteed that we would get out of here alive. There was the slight possibility that Mabel would see past my facade and kill us all immediately. I didn't want to get your hopes up. Besides, even if there was a guarantee the plan would keep us alive I still wouldn't tell you. You all suck at acting."

As soon as the sentence left her lips, her friends erupted in cries of offense.

"I beg your pardon?" Dipper glared at her.

"That is not true!" Gideon yelled.

"We would have been perfectly fine," Pacifica said, offended.

Kathy rolled her eyes, unphased by their responses. "Okay, I'll admit Dipper is a pretty good actor. But you two are not." She gestured to Pacifica and Gideon.

"Really? When have we ever been bad actors? We managed to stay hidden from the twins for a couple of years didn't we?" Gideon challenged.

Dipper bit his lip. "Well, that's not entirely true."

Everyone turned to him. "What do you mean?" Gideon asked nervously.

"The truth is," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "You guys popped up on our radar a couple of times in the past year. The reason that we never found you was because of me."

Reverse Falls: Battle for the JournalsWhere stories live. Discover now