The scars that last(Edited)

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Aric's POV

"Mommy ...Mom where are you...Please come back!" He cried, but she never came back, instead, the little boy sat alone, waiting for his mother. Each day he hoped she would come but each day his hope would only grow smaller and smaller until he was filled with anger and hate.

The nightmare would always start like this with Aric begging for his mother to come back only to watch his mother smile cruelly at him before turning to smoke.

Everyone always tried to make Aric the evil one or be a sadist but he only wanted his mother instead, he lost her, thinking she didn't want him or he wasn't good enough.

But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't forget her nor the painful memories that were once vibrant with life and spilling with motherly love.

He wasn't born a villain
He was forced into one

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