Chapter 18

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There were too many people to fit safely into Ray's car, so Reggie teleported home.

It seemed like the right thing to do, since they were alive now. That way everyone had a seatbelt and no one had to sit on the floor. Plus, it meant Reggie could use his Gift again, which was kind of cool.

Flynn was still in Julie's house when he appeared in the living room, looking like she'd been waiting for him. She shoved a home-baked chocolate cookie in his mouth.

"I've cleaned up your puke twice tonight," she said by way of greeting.

"Thank you?" he said around a mouthful of cookie. It was really good. He grinned at her, taking her in. He reached out and took her hands in his. "You're so beautiful."

"Don't." She pulled her hands out of his. "Don't do that." She went and sat on the couch.

He went and sat beside her. "Flynn?"

She moved so that they weren't touching and wiped at her eyes. "Where are the others?"

"Ray's driving them home," Reggie said, unsure what was going on with her. "I teleported because there weren't enough seats."

She nodded. "Is everyone okay?"

"Oh yeah." His face split in a wide smile. "We're alive!"

The expression on her face was pure disbelief. "What?"

"Julie did it when she saved us from Caleb. She did...something and now we're alive again." He couldn't stop grinning at her. "Isn't that great?"

She didn't look like it was great. "You're alive?"

Reggie's smile faltered. "Yeah? I thought you'd be happy?"

She made an inarticulate noise and stood up; hands pressed to her cheeks. She started pacing in a way that immediately reminded Reggie of Alex. "You're alive."

"Yeah," Reggie said again. He stood too, unsure if he should go to her or not. He had no idea why she was upset. "Isn't that good?"

"Of course it's good!" She didn't stop pacing.

"Okay," Reggie said slowly, "then why aren't you acting like it's a good thing?"

"Because...because!" She threw up her hands.

"Flynn, wait." He moved in front of her and took her hands. "I know you're upset, but I don't know what's wrong. I need you to tell me."

Her brown eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what's wrong."

"Are you upset because I'm alive?" Reggie said, mouth twisted in a parody of a smile. It would be just his luck to meet a girl who'd prefer him when he was dead.

"What? No!" Flynn said immediately, to his relief. "How could you think that?"

"Because you're upset?" Reggie rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what that means."

"It's just..." She inhaled sharply. "I was just wrapping my head around you being a ghost, you know? And then you went to that club and then you were hurt and then you Willie and Julie, went to hospital, and...and..." She started to cry.

He held her as she cried against his grimy T-shirt, her hands fisting in the cloth. He rubbed her back in the way he'd always wished his mother had for him when he was younger. "We're all good now. Everything's fine."

"Everything is not fine!" Flynn shoved against him. "You guys almost died in that club. You almost died! How is any of that 'fine'?"

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