Part fourteen😳

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              Angel remiro

My heart stopped when we got in the limo he was oddly quiet . I could see how tense he was he was angry at my words his hands in a ball and I see the veins popping out of them . His jaw clenched and his leg bounced up and down impatiently. We arrived to the house and the Guard's open the door for us ryan whispered something in one of their ears and he gave a nood  I waited for Ryan to stop talking to the gaurd and then he came up to me .

I want you in the house in that basement room with only your panties and bra on understand  ? Ryan says in a stern voice  I have to handle something really quickly I'll be back .

Yes sir I say in a low tone my heart skipped  a beat and I was quick to get in the house I slipped off my heels and struggled to reach the zipper when my hand finally met the zipper I unzipped it half way and shimmy out of the dress .  I stood their and waited for about 10 minutes before I heard footsteps on the stairs .

The door came open and Ryan looked angrier then before

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The door came open and Ryan looked angrier then before .

His hands where quick to meet my neck as he pulled me close to him.

You do remember your safe word correct?

Y- yes sir I stutter as his hand pressed against my neck tightly.

Good because I'm not gonna stop unless you say the safe word  I don't care how many times you tell me to stop and you do know I love you right ? Ryan says with a huge smirk on his face .

Yes I say in a puzzled tone .

Good because I'm about to fuck u like I don't now go lay on the bed .

It became harder to Breathe as I layed on my back the soft  blanket  comforting me but not hiding the goose bumps on my skin .

I'm gonna ask you one last time is this what you want angel?

I shook my head yes and I received a slap on my thigh.

Is that how you talk to someone angel? His voice was stern and harsh .

I whimper due to the stinging sensation on my thigh Yes sir I say as more whimpers escaped from me deep chuckles escaped Ryan's as the Sound of metal clinging together filled my ears my body tensed as Ryan grabbed my wrist he slapped the hand cuff around my wrist and then up on the bed frame and he did the same to the other the cuffs where tight if I moved to much  I was Sure my hand would come off .

He went over to his drawers and grabbed the pink and black collar along with the leash and two brown ropes . He grabbed my foot harshly causing me to move forward the cuffs rubbed hard against my skin causing a domino effect of whimpers to leave my mouth . 

He tied my foot up with the brown rope and onto the end of the bed as he did the same to my other foot . The rope was loose and it didn't hurt but I had a feeling that was for a reason.

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