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Screeching and laughing, the lycan dragged you through the village. Cold and slushy snow sucked into your clothes and made you feel the cold all over your body.

Shivering, you tried to free yourself, but the constant movements and pain made it difficult to move properly.

Whenever you inhaled, there was a sharp pain coursing through your chest. A spasm elicited a scream from you as it felt like your heart was contracting.

With a great leap, the lycan dragged you through a filthy hole.

Again, wood scraped all along your body, ripping more skin open. The only thing you could still feel in the cold was the warmth of the blood and the feeling of the coin in your hand.

With all your strength you held the coin, your knuckles were already white.

The feeling of brightly polished metal was the only thing that kept your mind in reality. You could feel the darkness slowly creeping into your body.

But this little thing kept you alive. Carefully, very carefully, you opened your hand a little and risked a look.

There was a red light. It blinked at regular intervals and sometimes it beeped. You inhaled sharply. Then you had to smile mildly.

"You sly bastard.", you mumbled and closed your hand again.

You couldn't lose this thing at any price. It had to stay with you. Without thinking, you opened your mouth and stuck the thing under your tongue. Even if you swallowed it by accident, it would be better than losing it.

A hellish pain suddenly stabbed you in the head as the lycan broke through the roof of a house and took you down with it. Your head hit a beam of solid wood, smashed through it and toppled back.

For a moment, you felt sick. Then everything turned dark and your eyes could see nothing.

There was nothing but cold. Cold and pain.

Then there was the feeling of blood on your skin again.

And all at once it became so bright again that your eyes burned. With tears blurring your vision, you tried to catch a glimpse of the surroundings. But there was nothing but bare stones and a bit of snow.

The lycan dragged you even further, through snow and ice. Then it became dark again.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see stones, the monster crawling into somewhere before you landed with a hard thud on stony ground. The feeling of breaking bones filled you.

For a moment you were out of breath, the air was burning in your lungs. Cold stone hit your face, but you had no time to rest.

The feeling of the grip around your ankle loosened, the lycan jumped away from you, only to turn back. A shrill scream left its lips.

You jumped back to your feet, stumbling briefly. It was hard to orient yourself, you felt sick, but you couldn't waste a second. When the monster tried to pounce on you, you jumped to the side.

It jumped into nothing, against a rock. The stone shattered into small pieces, but the lycan didn't seem to mind. It turned to you again, its mouth wide open.

Blood and saliva dripped onto the ground. The heat made the stone steam.

Breathing heavily, you raised your hands, your whole body aching. It was a stupid idea to fist fight with a monster, but you had no other choice. Even the knife you always carried on your leg for emergencies was lost somewhere.

"Damn it.", you cursed and spat out blood. "Come here, I'll beat the shit out of your face!"

The lycan screamed. With tense shoulders it prepared to jump, claws outstretched in your direction.

You pulled in your head. Your legs were weak, you were shaking all over. Secretly, you knew you were too weak to defeat this thing. But you preferred to die in a fight than to end up like prey.

The monster was getting closer and closer, its shrieks echoing in your ears and freezing the blood in your veins. With a scream you jumped towards the lycan, fists outstretched.

The dirty claws dug into your skin, a burning sensation spread through your body. You cried out in pain as the monster pulled you to the ground and bit your shoulder.

Blood ran down your neck. Tears filled your eyes. With your last ounce of strength, you raised your hand and punched the lycan in the face.

The sound of breaking bones rang out. Startled, the beast jumped back. Black blood dripped from its broken nose. Briefly, the creature paused. Then it screamed with rage. Again it wanted to jump at you, to tear you apart.

The last seconds flashed before your inner eyes. Your heart skipped a beat.

But just at that moment a shot rang out. The bullet pierced the skull.

With heavy impact, the thing fell to the ground, smashing the stone. One last time the creature cried out, its claws stretched out towards you.

Then the monster fell to the ground and died with a tortured cry on its lips.

For a moment you were frozen by shock.

The sight was taking you by surprise, something that came straight out of your nightmares and yet you could not suppress a laughter. It was a mixture of relief and shock, but you had to laugh.

"Holy shit.", your eyes went up in the air. "Your timing has always been a lifesaver, Redfield."

You gave him a big grin.

With a worried look, Chris put down his rifle.

"Are you okay?", he shouted into the depths.

You had to exhale deeply.

"I'm fine.", you assured him.

You could see in his eyes that he didn't believe you.

"You're bleeding."

"Oh that.", you took a glance at your neck. "It's fine. No big deal."

"(Y/N). You're bleeding all over. Your face is ruined. You look terrible. Are you in pain?"

"Chris, I'm fine. It will be fine."

You tried to smile to ensure him that he had nothing to worry about. But as your lips moved, a sharp pain chase through your face and you twitched.

The feeling of blood ran down your face. As you carefully touched the spot, your fingers were covered in a deep, sticky red.

"Oh shit.", you mumbled. "A few bandages and first aid stuff would be nice. Can you throw some down?"

"Wait a moment.", he disappeared for a second. "I'll come down."

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