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Childe was completely on cloud nine, which was obvious the next day at work. He just couldn't stop grinning stupidly to himself. Meanwhile, he was just about to take some documents to Pulcinella - and now wanted to thank him again - when he noticed that the bank's employees were packing up luggage. He hadn't known anything about that.

"What's going on here?" he asked one of the staff, confused.

"Sir, Tartaglia, sir! I'm supposed to tell you that the Fifth of the Harbingers has been recalled to Snezhnaya. He will be busy and should soon -" put in the Fatui, who was simply pushed away by Childe the next moment.

"How dare he leave without telling me?" he said indignantly, on his way into Pulcinella's office.

He discovered the other Harbinger there packing, apparently also really just about to leave.

"Don't tell me you just left without letting me know?" asked Childe, folding his arms. Only now did his counterpart notice him for once, although he had been standing there watching him for quite a while.

"Haha, Childe, oh it's you.... I thought it was someone who was carrying things out.... so... well, orders are orders, huh? New recruits have arrived, I'm needed there," he said, grinning wryly. Childe once again didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"I see," he muttered, a little miffed, and sighed.

"Hey, don't be sad now. Can't really deal with the warm weather here in the long run anyway," Pulcinella said, shaking his head with a laugh. Then he put his arm around Childe and patted him on the shoulder. After the friendly gesture, and after Childe took a deep breath, he looked up at him.

"That's kinda all right I guess. But do you have a few more minutes for me?" he asked, a touch excited.

"Sure. What's up?" asked Pulcinella, quite amiably. Apparently, after some sort of business trip, he was relieved to finally be allowed to go home.

"Thanks for always giving me a push, even when you read my embarrassing letter.... so we finally talked properly yesterday and yeah... you can probably guess the rest," Childe told me, running a hand through his hair in embarrassment. Pulcinella just grinned in amusement.

"I'm glad to hear it," he said, somewhat distantly, nodding. Still, the young Harbinger firmly hoped that he was indeed happy for him.

"Thank you. I'm glad, too. So I'm not alone here anymore.... I'm getting along, and with work too, you don't have to feel bad about leaving, I guess..." said Childe, smiling in a pained way.

"Hey, I know that. You're my best soldier. Still... Hold the fort here - and be happy," Pulcinella replied with a wide grin. Then he picked up his bag and went outside.

"Yes. You too... Say hello to Snezhnaya for me.... and the Tsaritsa when you see her," Childe was still saying goodbye and smiling bravely.

"Of course. Goodbye, Childe!", Pulcinella still called to him. Childe waved hastily after him.


With a sad look he remained there until he could see him no more. Then, compelled, he set to work again.


After work, he met with Zhongli again. Of course, one day was not enough for him and Childe wanted to be with him forever from now on anyway. Nevertheless, Pulcinella's hasty departure dampened his otherwise cheerful disposition. Somewhat exhausted, he leaned against his boyfriend.

"Are you all right? Was work stressful?" asked Zhongli, handing him his tea, presumably to calm him down.

"Not that much... hmm... I'm sad because my colleague was transferred back to Snezhnaya. I was so relieved that we could finally be normal friends without anything weird coming between us. But now he just leaves... I should have expected that he might not like it here, but I was hoping he would stay a little longer," Childe explained.

"Too suddenly...huh? Well...there's nothing to stop you from visiting him in Snezhnaya sometime.... so you can definitely see each other again someday..." said Zhongli, smiling slightly.

"Yes. I'll do that and you come with me and then you can meet him and convince yourself that he's not a bad guy," Childe said, looking at Zhongli, "He sent me back to Liyue. That's why we got back together in the first place!"

"Then I guess he did his job huh? He probably wanted to go back home too. But fine, I'll gladly come with you..." replied Zhongli amusedly, pulling Childe closer to him.

"Yayyy! Then you can meet my family too! I'm glad, we'll do that. I'll wrap you up well so that you don't freeze to death there...", Childe said laughing and had completely forgotten his sadness from just now. Exuberantly, he kissed Zhongli on the cheek, who just managed to get their tea cups to safety. Both sank into a loving kiss and smiled at each other in love moments later. Carefully, Childe stroked Zhongli's cheek.

"And what about your friends? Can I meet them sometime, too? That stone guy, too ... I don't mind" he said with a laugh. But apparently it hadn't been funny, because Zhongli suddenly looked very sad.

"Unlike your good friend, mine is gone forever," he finally said with a heavy heart. Childe looked at him with wide eyes. He had not expected this. But now it made sense why Zhongli had been so hurt about the subject.... but how could that be, he had seen him with the man just two, three weeks ago...?

"Why?" he therefore inquired. It wouldn't let him go, he just had to know.

Zhongli looked sad at first, but then he smiled slightly.

"Accompany me to Nantianmen, and I'll tell you..." he offered.

"Still now?" asked Childe in surprise.

"Yes, why not? A little big walk in the evening...", Zhongli said laughing.

"This is our first major trip together as a couple," Childe noted, smiling proudly.

"Looks like it. Are you ready?" asked Zhongli, smiling at him encouragingly. Childe nodded, finished his tea, stood up and took his hand. Together they walked out, through the streets, towards the evening glow, until, after a very long journey, they slowly arrived at a large special tree, whose leaves shone golden and whose top sparkled bright blue....

The End

Ps: Xiao was taking a nice evening stroll in Nantianmen when he saw two strange figures approaching. Since he didn't appreciate company, he hid behind the tree as a precaution. After the two came closer, he noticed that one was Rex Lapis, whereas the other.... His eyes narrowed to slits. The presence of the Fatui always made him nauseous. He noticed that their hands were clasped together and he didn't know what that was all about right now. But what happened next surpassed his worst expectations by far. The Fatui leaned forward and - kissed - most notably HIS Archon - directly on the mouth. How he would deeply regret that...

The End End ; )

Thanks for reading my fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed it c:

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