Not the same

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After arriving at Zhongli's apartment, Childe unfortunately noticed that no one seemed to be home. While he waited, he ran his hand over his hair. wondering if he was still at the funeral parlor. Somehow he couldn't believe that, not at this hour. Possibly he had gone out to dinner, too? Basically, he could be wherever. There was no point in waiting, he probably had to come back here some other time. Quite frustrated, he made his way home. Now he had finally gathered all his courage to face Zhongli - in vain.

Just when he had almost reached his place, he suddenly noticed two people in front of a restaurant. "Isn't that...-," he thought to himself and hid behind a building facade. There stood none other than Zhongli with a stranger. From his hiding place he could observe the situation well, he could even partially understand the two. Zhongli seemed calm, cheerful and chatting with the stranger guy about stones in Liyue. The topic was not particularly remarkable or interesting now, the problem was more the stranger's reaction. It was an average sized man in clothes from Liyue, with short black hair and glasses. He didn't look special in any way now. But he hung on Zhongli's lips and seemed absolutely thrilled to be talking to him - about such a mundane topic as rocks, above all. Childes' eyes narrowed to slits, while he would have loved to murder the guy.

He clearly had a crush on Zhongli, the way he looked at him admiringly. No normal person would otherwise get excited about such a boring topic, just like that? He wasn't sure if Zhongli noticed, but he continued to chat happily with him, smiling almost the entire time. What if he was also interested in the strange guy? One could not rule it out, however. And if that were so, then... then Childe wondered what he wanted from such a boring average guy with ugly glasses. If he had seen this guy before, he would never have thought that a loser like that could be serious competition for him. But apparently he was, from the way Zhongli smiled at him. Would he just replace him with that four-eyes low level mf?

Childe held his breath. Zhongli - put - his - arm - on his shoulder. This couldn't be happening. For a brief impulse, he almost strode out of his hiding place, but then he noticed that the two of them were starting to leave. Immediately he took up the pursuit. But it did not last long, because when he looked around the corner, the two were already gone. He had probably been too slow. Cursing, he started on his way back.

When he tried again shortly after at Zhongli's apartment, there was still no one there. This guy had simply taken Zhongli with him, wherever. This could not be true. Sadly, he went home and let himself fall onto the bed.

Had Zhongli forgotten him so quickly? It just hurt, just like seeing him with someone else. Nothing had happened that clearly signaled to him that the two of them were on a date, but as animated as they had been talking.... Childe just wasn't sure. Most of all, he had no idea what to do now. If he met Zhongli again, how was he going to talk to him? Again, he wondered if there was any point in meeting him again at all.


The next morning, the young harbinger arrived at work more or less exhausted. Too gladly he would have just stayed at home. But now that Pulcinella was on the scene, he couldn't afford such sloppiness. He worked hard and the fifth Harbinger was not proud of him for nothing. That could also change very quickly.

Full of motivation, he wanted to work through everything that was on his desk, but often his mind wandered. Imaginative murder plans came to life in his thoughts. As an assassin he was not the worst, now he would only have to go to the action.... only, where would he find this guy, so that he could make him disappear clandestinely... just bury him under a tree somewhere at night, no one would notice that for sure. If he couldn't have Zhongli, then no one else should have him either, he swore to himself. Frowning, he looked ahead of him when suddenly the door opened.

"I have a few more documents for you. Sorry - I have to give them to you, they have a very regional reference and I don't know my way around here yet.... I haven't even had a chance to take a closer look at the city," Pulcinella said with a laugh. With an elegant movement, he placed the documents on Childes' desk. Childes raised his eyebrow in surprise. Could it be that Liyue was changing people? He had rarely seen his former mentor so relaxed and cheerful. He had also vowed to keep him at a distance and hate him for what he had done to him...Only when he was nice to him, he still buckled like a blade of grass.

"Thanks. I'll take it from here," Childe said firmly. "You can count on me. And if you'd like, can we go see the town together later?" he offered hesitantly to his counterpart.

"Perfect. I knew I could count on you. And I won't say no to that," Pulcinella replied in his usual manner. A slight grin showed on his face.

"All right. Then I'll see you after work," Childe replied, winking at him. For a moment he wondered if this was going too far. But at least everything was different now. And Pulcinella was not the type to react in any way to casual flirting of any kind. Therefore, it didn't matter, did it? Even if he didn't really know how to act towards him. He still didn't know what the cold harbinger thought about him since he was on par with him and no longer his apprentice. He guessed by now, however, that they were something like friends, if Pulcinella had any friends at all. But he still did not trust him. Not one bit.


A few hours later he was out with Pulcinella. He showed him the most important corners in Liyue to know. Rarely had he seen him so cheerful and excited, to be exact - never. But being able to see something new obviously excited him. They laughed a lot and Childe experienced a side of him he hadn't known before. For a brief moment, he wondered why he had put Pulcinella on such a pedestal back then, when he was also just a normal person. Unlike Zhongli.... again, the thought that he had fallen in love with an Archon hurt.

"Hey, what are you making such a face about?" asked Pulcinella with a laugh. Without warning, he touched Childes' cheeks and pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"Stop it, man!" retorted Childe, laughing.

"Look over there! I'd like to take a look at that," Pulcinella said curiously, pointing to the busy shopping street.

"Yeah, wait," Childe replied and was about to start moving when his dark-haired colleague just pulled him along. Childe followed him. Even though he was so familiar with him, everything felt so light and carefree by now. There was no trace of his former feelings of wanting to be closer to him, of wanting to be better and not being accepted by him no matter what he did. They had probably become friends now. And probably things were good that way.

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