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A few hours later they were tired from walking around the city and arrived at the food district. Curious, Pulcinella stood at a restaurant and asked what was on offer while Childe waited. He knew the place inside and out, so he already knew what he wanted. While watching the passersby on the street, he suddenly spotted a familiar face. There was none other than Zhongli walking, however, he looked tired and worn out.

"What do you want to eat?" asked Pulcinella, and Childe didn't manage to answer. He wanted most to run to Zhongli, but he couldn't just leave his companion here either, especially since he didn't know his way around.

"Just order me noodles!" he said, yet instinctively wanted to start moving when Zhongli looked up at him. Their eyes met briefly. Childe was surprised at how blank and sad his gaze was. He had not expected that. Startled, he stopped where he was. Slowly, he raised his arm in an attempt to wave at him. The smile on his face was pitiful. Zhongli just continued to look at him as he walked on.

"With what sauce?" asked Pulcinella, nudging Childe for not responding.

"Sweet and sour," he replied after a moment, looking very briefly at the other Harbinger. Then, when he turned back to Zhongli, he had disappeared.


More or less dissatisfied, Childe took his meal. He didn't know what was going on and again he had missed Zhongli. And it was all because of food. He had lost his appetite anyway. Pulcinella, on the other hand, was enjoying the food and seemed very happy. He didn't want to spoil his sightseeing tour and continued to eat without letting on.

"Hey, you have to try this!", Pulcinella finally said and just held out a bite of his food to him.

"No, it's okay. I've tried it before," Childe countered with a laugh.

"Have a taste anyway," Pulcinella said promptly, almost shoving the food in his face. Childe therefore opened his mouth and ate the morsel.

"Delicious as always," Childe commented with a grin, his gaze wandering to Pulcinella's hands. "Wait a minute - since when can YOU eat with chopsticks!!!?" he asked, stunned and with a hint of envy.

"I don't know. I just can," Pulcinella replied with a laugh. "I was over in Inazuma once. They eat with it there, don't they?"

"I don't believe it," Childe muttered, thoroughly grumpy. Why did his mentor just have to be perfect at everything? He still couldn't, and hoped Pulcinella wasn't laughing his head off inside at the way he was more or less helplessly ferrying his food to his mouth. Was that why he had just tried to feed him? Or had he just done it casually?

"Oh, Childe...," Pulcinella said just like that, waving his hand through his hair. Yeah, it was just his character, he guessed. Once again, he would not make the mistake of seeing anything in it. Everything was fine the way it was. No, not everything. Again his thoughts drifted to Zhongli. And if he wasn't mistaken, he could have sworn he heard his voice just now, too.... Was he missing him that much already?

"A portion of noodles with spicy sauce, to go please," sounded from the counter. Childe looked up. No, that was really Zhongli. He had come over and was standing just a few feet away from them.

"Excuse me a moment," Childe said to Pulcinella, then stood up and stepped forward to the stall where Zhongli was waiting for his portion of food.

"Hey, Zhongli... how's it going?" he addressed him from the side. It was strange to talk to him after all this time and everything that had happened. His heart was pounding hard. He wondered what Zhongli, or rather Rex Lapis, would answer him, but he got no answer at all. Zhongli stood motionless like a stone beside him, as if he hadn't even noticed him.

"Zhongli?" asked Childe in irritation, until he realized he was ignoring him. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" he said after a moment, waving his arms up and down in front of his face in an enthuasiastic manner. The Archon, however, didn't seem to mind in the least while he waited. A little later, the waitress returned and put the order into Zhongli's hand.

"This makes 1000 mora," he said, and Childe could see Zhongli reaching for his wallet. Reflexively, he grabbed his arm and held it.

"I'll pay that!" he said kindly, meanwhile trying to pull out his own wallet. However, Zhongli freed himself from his grip and placed the appropriate amount on the counter.

"Thank you, but I'll pay for it myself," he said, politely distant. Then he took his food and was leaving. Childe stared after him with wide eyes. Had he really just... refused Mora? Above all... where had he gotten some to pay for himself?

"Wait! But I want to talk to you!" he shouted, running after Zhongli after he managed to break free from his stupor of shock. He caught up with him and resolutely stood in his way. Zhongli stopped and looked at him calmly but expressionlessly.

"I'd prefer you didn't. You should also go back to your companion," he finally said somewhat offended.

"What, yes, but...-," Childe replied defiantly, visibly overwhelmed by the situation.

"I want to go home, too. See you then," Zhongli cut him off and turned to leave.

"... alright," Childe conceded defeat and looked after him, concerned. What was that all about? Exhausted, he went back and sat himself again next to Pulcinella, who had almost finished his meal and was instead eyeing him curiously.

"Who was that?" he asked with interest.

"Nobody. Just a distant acquaintance," Childe muttered, stuffing food into his mouth as a distraction.

"Of course ... I see" he could still hear Pulcinella with a lowkey sarcastic undertone, while trying to swallow the heavy lump that was forming in his throat. But basically he felt like crying. He just couldn't afford to. What would his colleague, who had perhaps now become his friend, think of him?


After Childe had pulled himself together all evening, he was glad when he could finally drop onto his bed, exhausted. What a violently shitty day. If Pulcinella hadn't been with him the whole time, he probably would have started crying right away. He reviewed what had happened. Zhongli had simply turned him down and left him stone cold. Just like that... Childe thought it was unfair, after all he was the one who had the right to be hurt, first because of the Archon thing and second because of the other guy - and now he had to go through something like that. He pouted to himself until something struck him.

"Of course - he turned me down because of that other loser there," he suddenly thought to himself and got angry right back. How could Zhongli just treat him like that? Well, he hadn't really said goodbye to him then and had left for Snezhnaya, but still... he didn't want to let things end up like this. At least he wanted to have clarity. And he wanted to know whether he still needed to get his hopes up or not. He didn't want to be dropped out of his life just like that. So he decided to stop by Zhongli again. At the noodle restaurant, he had said to him that he wanted to go home.... How good then that he knew where Rex Lapis lived...

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