"Hey! Don't sleep here! This is my turf!" Noises of people fighting came from below a bridge not too far from them; most likely beggars fighting over their turfs. As much as City S was a bustling city, it couldn't all be rainbow and sunshine. Naturally, it has dark corners where the sun wouldn't shine.

One of the men whose territory was taken over shoved the man sitting on the ground angrily. The person leaned and fell directly on the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Are you alright?! Don't try to scam me!"

"Psst! So unlucky. Guess I will go somewhere else."

The man, obviously not wanting to get involved, left angrily.

Fang JunRong, too, had assumed that the person on the ground was scamming the one who left. But, she watched for a little while, and the man on the ground still didn't stir.

It would have been fine had she not seen it at all, but now that she had witnessed it, she couldn't pretend that she didn't.

Fang JunRong turned to her bodyguards and said, "Let's go take a look."

She walked over and could tell from the body shape that it was a man, a skinny one at that. His skin was an abnormal green color with a hint of purple. Under the moonlight, half of his face was rotten and he looked vicious. He had a yellow buddha necklace around his neck. The buddha's smile was somewhat crooked, it looked both casual and also somewhat odd.

Through that buddha, however, Fang JunRong was able to figure out who he was – Jiang WenYu. In the novel that she had read, he had caused Jiang YaGe somewhat of a headache. He could be considered a boss villain of sorts.

Just for the fact that he had been Jiang YaGe's enemy, she must save him.

Chapter 82 - She Couldn't Help But Feel Pity For Herself. How Did She End Up With Such An Evil Mother-In-Law? (1)

Fang JunRong had never crossed paths with Jiang WenYu in her previous life. To be precise, she and her daughter were mostly in the first half of the book and Jiang WenYu was in the second half.

It was only mentioned in the book that Jiang WenYu and Zhang Bi, a suitor of Jiang YaGe's, were twins. Jiang WenYu got separated from his parents when he was a child and was kidnapped. The Zhang's were able to reunite with him again after he had grown up and brought him back. Jiang WenYu had a lot of hatred for the Zhang's and that hatred also extended onto Jiang YaGe.

Jiang WenYu was very talented in the medical field and every bit as good as the miracle doctor Zhang Bi. After rejoining the Zhang's, his knowledge increased like a sponge soaking up water. In particular, he was arguably a genius when it came to pharmaceuticals. He was extremely sensitive in the area of taste and olfactory and could figure out ingredients from medicines.

He had caused trouble for Jiang YaGe over and over again. If it wasn't for Jiang YaGe's Detoxification Pills, he probably would have wiped out the entire Zhang's. In the end, Jiang WenYu was no match for the Zhang's and Jiang YaGe's cheat and died from being poisoned. Zhang Bi, who "couldn't take it anymore" was the one who did it.

From the perspective of Jiang YaGe and the Zhang's, Jiang WenYu had it coming and only got what he deserved.

He was exhibiting all the symptoms described in the book after he was poisoned. Meaning, even if Jiang WenYu wasn't poisoned by Zhang Bi, it would have been someone from the Zhang's. However, according to the book, Jiang WenYu was only discovered by the Zhang's and rejoined them after he received a medical award overseas a year from now. Right now, he should just be a professor in a university.

Fang JunRong turned her attention back onto the buddha that was around Jiang WenYu's neck. It gave her a familiar feeling, somewhat similar to what she felt from her jade.

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