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It's going to be my best friend's wedding in four days.

Roux and I decided to throw a joint party for Caroline and Calvin since they denied the idea of a bachelor or bachelorette party. So boring.

At this point they should've just went straight to the altar.

Roux, my twin and I are identical although we're fraternal. Due to the fact that my natural hair color is a sandy brown and hers is a natural blonde. My eyes are green and hers are blue. I've dyed my hair blonde and now we look more like twins than we ever have before. Although she hates that I dyed it blonde.

She smiles at me and rolls her eyes, "They're really cute."

She looks over at the dance floor where Calvin is whispering something in Caroline's ear, making her smile as they sway softly to an upbeat song.

I smile because after the shit they put each other through. They both deserve to be happy.

We rented out the ballroom in my favorite hotel that happens to be a five star. My dad helped us and paid for the guest's rooms. He also wanted to pay for the entire wedding since he has a soft spot for Caroline since she grew up without a family.

The nights been long and it seems like Calvin doesn't even want to be too far from Caroline. Any time anyone stops him to talk, he seems annoyed and he ends the conversation quickly. I talked to Caroline a few times to check in on her since pregnant and I don't want her to get tired and still be on her feet. It makes me glad that Calvin doesn't seem annoyed I check in on her.

After drinking and dancing like crazy with Roux, Nathaniel, her boyfriend, thought it was a good idea to take her away.

I go back to the bar and ask for water this time.

"Calling it quits?" A deep voice says next to me and it makes me sit up straighter.

Looking over, I remind myself to keep my composure. I've been trying to avoid him all day. Not because we've done anything, but because Bunny Lewis is mouth watering and I don't think I can resist myself much longer. Let alone while drunk.

He's tall, lean, I can tell he's rocking some serious muscles underneath all his clothes. I'm really good at noticing when guys are packing some muscles. It's my weakness. But he's also my best friend's brother. They were in the foster care system before they were separated and never saw each other again until this year. Their grandmother was able to get custody of him, but some paperwork got mixed up and Caroline was in a different state and misplaced, she spend the rest of her childhood in foster care.

His eyes sparkle with amusement. I love staring into his eyes. They're a light green with specks of blue and every time I find myself lost in them, I tend to lean more into him to make out how many specks of blue are sprinkled in his beautiful eyes. His hair is a dark brown and I don't think I've ever seen him where I thought he might need a haircut. He keeps himself regularly groomed. So I'm surprised to see his hair messed up as if he'd run his fingers through it.

Biting my lip from saying anything stupid, I curl my fists on my lap because I can vision myself running my hands through his hair.

I look down at the water, the bartender just handed me, "Nathaniel took my partner in crime. I guess it's time for me to go to bed too."

He chuckles beside me, "Shame." He reaches out to touch the ends of my hair which only makes me hold my breath and my heart picks up the pace, "I was hoping to spend some time with you."

I turn to look at him as my heart does a full-on stop. I see he's a little drunk himself. Which makes me smile. He looks cute and obviously more daring. I notice the way he looks at me. It's the same way I look at him, but he's never acted out on it. And I'm not the type of girl who chases after a guy so it's a whole bunch of sexual tension when I'm around him.

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